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Blanco County News


The current issue of Blanco County News is available to read with an online subscription. Keep up-to-date with news.
A small spillage incident from drilling on the Permian Highway Pipeline in Gillespie County on Saturday did not result in any water pollution, according to the Texas Railroad Commission. “The RRC has rules in place to ensure the protection of public safety and the environment. Kinder Morgan notified us of inadvertent returns that occurred this weekend.
Active COVID-19 cases in Blanco County have increased by 20 in the last week. The county now has 89 active cases of the virus as of Tuesday morning, up from 69 a week ago, according to numbers released by the Blanco County Office of Emergency Management. Active cases jumped by 38 during the past three weeks.
The Blanco County Emergency Services District #2 board passed a budget of just over $1.9 million for fiscal year 2021 at its July 21 meeting. The budget, which runs October 2020 through September 2021, is set at $1,952,656.62. The largest expense is human resources and development, which includes salaries, set at $661,777.22.
cycle, reuse, reduce is becoming a popular phrase. What do these words mean and how does one make a difference? Recycling is defined as the “process of collecting and processing materials that would otherwise be thrown away as trash and turning them into new products,” states the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
The Keep Blanco Beautiful second quarterly meeting took place after the beautification committee finished. The table and chairs were wiped down prior to the meeting and members were socially distant with masks at hand. The minutes from the January meeting were approved. Keep Texas Beautiful (KTB) is still not doing cleanups at this point, but the organization hopes to host its Fall Sweep event later this year.
Everyone is expecting there to be some changes at the high school this upcoming school year, but one person who is not faint-of-heart is the new animal sciences teacher. Kayla Brock is starting her agricultural sciences teaching career at Blanco High School. The Houston native graduated from Tarleton State University in May with a bachelor of science degree in agricultural services and development. “I’m excited to be with the kids and to start my career,” Brock said.
The Blanco County Commissioners Court meeting began budget discussions at 10 a.m. on July 14, after a 10 minute recess during their meeting. Concerns about the county employees’ salaries were discussed. Complaints about county employees are being paid too low have been heard from various people. County Judge Brett Bray suggested a 6 percent salary increase for all employees, and this would increase benefits as well.
The Blanco City Council meeting was called to order by Mayor Pro Tem Martin Sauceda at 6:08 p.m. with council members: Mike Smith, Matt Lewis, Keith McClellan and Deda Divine present. McClellan attended the meeting virtually via GoToMeeting. After the pledge was recited, the council skipped ahead and discussed action on COVID-19 updates.
Friends of Blanco State Park is a non-profit organization committed to the preservation, protection and improvement of the park, which is located at 101 Park Road 23. “Our mission is to work in partnership with Texas Parks and Wildlife to maintain and protect the park’s natural beauty, for current enjoyment and that of future generations.” The organization puts the donations and funds directly back into Blanco State Park.
Results of the 2020 District 10 4-H Record Book competition were released recently, with three Blanco County 4-H members placing. Celeste Campa placed third with her record book in the Fashion and Interior Design category. Celeste has taken her sewing skills to the next level by opening her own Etsy shop. Brailee Snow placed fourth in the Goat category.

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