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3 from Blanco County place at district 4-H record book competition
From left, Celeste Campa, Brailee Snow and Jake Snow each placed in the 4-H district record book contest.

Results of the 2020 District 10 4-H Record Book competition were released recently, with three Blanco County 4-H members placing.

Celeste Campa placed third with her record book in the Fashion and Interior Design category. Celeste has taken her sewing skills to the next level by opening her own Etsy shop.

Brailee Snow placed fourth in the Goat category. Brailee met her goal of learning to drench and clip her goats on her own.

She also was a big help to her brother, Jake, as he showed for the first time. Jake Snow placed second with his Leadership record book. Jake’s project focus was on changing recess times at his school. He had to be a brave leader to approach his principal and school staff to try and make some changes.

Celeste, Brailee and Jake are all members of the Lucky Leaf 4-H Club. These members have demonstrated knowledge and hard work in each of their projects and have also participated in multiple community service project.

The Extension would like to say thank you to Club Manager, Jessi Haas-Snow, for her help and encouragement of these 4-H members.

The primary purposes of completing a record book are for a young person to develop the skills necessary to set goals, work toward achieving those goals, reflect on his/her experiences, and set new and higher goals for themselves. A secondary benefit is to prepare young people for the process of completing quality academic scholarship applications.

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