The Keep Blanco Beautiful second quarterly meeting took place after the beautification committee finished. The table and chairs were wiped down prior to the meeting and members were socially distant with masks at hand.
The minutes from the January meeting were approved. Keep Texas Beautiful (KTB) is still not doing cleanups at this point, but the organization hopes to host its Fall Sweep event later this year. Keep America Beautiful (KAB) has launched a digital platform for their Great American Cleanup event. Both organizations are spreading the message to stay safe. KBB’s website and Facebook page are great sources for Blanco citizens.
The group discussed briefly the ball moss in oak trees around the community. A recommendation was made to use a mix of soda and water, and spray the ball moss, which should kill the roots. The ball moss might not kill the tree itself, but it eventually smothers the tree. An awareness campaign on ball moss will begin shortly.
Not much is being spent at this time with the pandemic; fertilizer, mulch, insecticides will need to be purchased. A brief discussion on possibly adding receptacles dedicated for cans only around the park took place next.
Next, the group talked about the Town Creek Restoration Riparian project. The riparian is looking great and healthy. The trees and mulberries are doing well. Nothing has been removed from the heavy rain, and the water is actually flowing after rain.
The beautification committee has been working from 9 a.m. to noon lately because the number of volunteers has decreased during the pandemic. Volunteers are needed; anyone can join.
A new scene has been made for the Blanco Trail of Lights and it is still planned to take place in December.
A brief Cigarette Litter Prevention Program (CLPP) discussion took place. The cigarette receptacles will be added to Google Maps soon to make it easier for everyone to know where they are. During the last collection, all of the receptacles contained butts, and 2,350 butts were collected. These were mailed to TerraCycle for recycling. Individual cleanups are encouraged and KBB has supplies to lend for these events.
KAB is hosting its annual conference virtually on Aug. 25-26 from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. The cost is $99 per person.
Lastly, a discussion was held regarding purchasing three lamp lights for the square because it is very dark at night. There are solar light options available. The meeting was adjourned at 12:39 p.m.