Buzz on the Square celebrated with a Ribbon Cutting on Wednesday, October 28. Beatrice & Julio Ramon purchased Benjie’s Book & Gift Store in 2014 and decided to make the best out of a bad situation when COVID-19 forced businesses to close earlier this year. The Ramons felt it was the perfect time to make some changes.
(MASON, TEXAS) – October 26, 2020 – Mason-Llano County USDA Farm Service Agency (FSA) Executive Director Ben Rush would like to remind producers of the December 1, 2020 deadline to obtain 2021 Noninsured Crop Disaster Assistance Program (NAP) coverage for all grasses. The deadline includes grazing & forage/hay on native and improved grasses.
During Monday's regular meeting of the Mason County Commissioners' Court, County/District Clerk Pam Beam reported on the strong turnout in early voting.
Mrs. Beam started by reminding the Court that Mason County has 3,174 registered voters. As of close of voting on Friday, October 23rd, 1,510 voters had appeared in person to cast their ballots.
A flag flown over the United States Capitol building has been given to the Seaquist House Foundation for display on its flagpole!
This summer, the American flag that hung on the flagpole in front of the Seaquist House had become tattered and torn. The Foundation Board knew that it must be replaced and wanted a flag of significance.
Board president Paul Branch said, “Since the history of this house has been important to Mason and Texas since the 1880’s, we wanted to honor the house wit ...
A newfangled alliteration keeps popping up in news stories around the country: “Pandemic parenting.” It encompasses the myriad of joys—and challenges—that come with raising youngsters during a seemingly endless season of COVID-19.
In Mason, one group of moms and their tots are not only adjusting to these strange times; they’re thriving.
The Mason Garden Club will be holding a Fundraising Garage Sale duringthe Fall City-Wide Garage Sale event. This fundraiser will be in place of theannual plant sales that are normally held in conjunction with Friends of the Library Sale and Old Yeller Days. Because of COVID-19, both of these events were canceled.
The sale will be held on Saturday, October 24, 2020, from 8 a.m.
The Mason ISD Education Foundation will host their 5th Annual Cattle Roundup next Monday, October 26 at noon at Jordan Cattle Auction in Mason. Proceeds from the fundraiser help directly fund creative and innovative teacher grants in our award-winning Mason schools, positively impacting the education of students from Pre-K through 12th grade and enriching the District’s mission of excellence in education.
Thanks to the generous partnership with Jordan Cattle Auction, donors to the Cattle ...
LANDTX is pleased to announce that Kendra Chamberlain has joined their local office, and will be helping start up their new MAINSTREETTX division, which will specialize in area small-town residential, commercial and rural acreage sales and marketing. Kendra has been an active Realtor for 3.5 years, and is a proven, multi-million dollar sales producer in our area.
Thursday, Oct 22nd, the Mason Ladies Golf Association will have their annual meeting at the local Comanche Creek Golf Course. We will start the morning at 9:00 a.m. with a fun and NOT SO SERIOUS cross country scramble. It doesn’t matter if you haven’t played golf before or have not dusted your clubs off in a long time, please just join us for this “unconventional” tourney.
After the scramble, we are having a “box lunch” picnic at the park with a short meeting.
A huge thank you to the Youth of St Joseph’s Catholic Church and their Youth Leader Trish Rochat! Youth from St. Joseph’s “swept“ through the food bank on Sunday and cleaned, dusted, vacuumed and emptied trash cans in preparation for the food bank on October 12 and 26, 2020. The rooms rang with music and laughter and ended up smelling fresh and looking sparklingly clean.