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Mason County News

Front Page

The current issue of Mason County News is available to read with an online subscription. Keep up-to-date with news.
The MCF is now accepting applications for our fall grant cycle. In the past 13 years, the MCF has awarded over 135 grants for a total of over $350,000. We have provided grants for upgrades in medical services in our community, area fire departments, school programs, city beautification, and many other areas. If your non-profit group has a project that will benefit the majority of our community, and you have not received a grant from MCF in the last year, you can pick up and return a grant a ...
In my previous Commissioner’s Corner columns, I discussed findings of the analysis of waste disposal options for Mason. This information was not available to the City Commission nor to the public in time for the July 15 City Commission meeting. The previous columns described the errors in the Blue Oak permit, the failure to consider alternatives at the outset, and the failure to perform a financial analysis of waste disposal options.
I have been quiet for the past couple of weeks because on July 29 I had a total knee replacement in Fredericksburg, and since getting out of the hospital I have been confined to home and managing to get around using a walker. I am slowly weaning off of the pain medications, and physical therapy will be a regular activity for several weeks, but there continue to be some issues in the City that need a bit of extra consideration and communication as well as some balanced information.
On Thursday, August 8th, Maddy Heath & Shiloh Peaden addressed family members, members of the American Legion Fort Mason Post 285 and Auxiliary Unit 285, and other interested parties at the American Legion Post Hall. Maddy & Shiloh described their experiences to those present, including their campaigns for public office and their duties when elected.
Are you ready? The first day of school is Tuesday, August 20th, and “It’s a Great Day to be a Puncher!” Students who are new to the district must come to the MHS office at 1105 West College to pick up a paper copy of the registration packet. We will need to make a copy of the parent or guardian’s driver’s license, the student’s birth certificate and social security card.
Children need healthy meals to learn. Mason ISD offers healthy meals every school day. Breakfast costs $1.10; lunch costs $2.20 PC -4 and $2.40 for 5-12. Your children may qualify for free meals or for reduced-price meals. Reduced-price is .30 for breakfast and .40 for lunch. If you received a notification letter that a child is directly certified for free or reduced-price meals, do not complete an application.
When you have an electric cooperative as your utility provider, you are a member-owner rather than a customer. As a valued member-owner of CTEC, we ask for your participation in our annual membership meeting. This year the CTEC Annual Meeting will be held on Tuesday, August 20th at 7:00 p.m.
Summer Band Schedule Band practices have begun! Our show this year is called “Time After Time” and includes the music of Coldplay’s “Clocks,” Cyndi Lauper’s “Time After Time” and some original music by Luke McMillan. Rehearsals started this week on August 5th-8th with sectional practice in the afternoon/evening. They will continue next week, August 12th - 15th with the following schedule: Uniform checkout for all freshmen and any upperclassmen who haven’t gotten theirs ...
The members of American Legion Fort Mason Post #285 & Ladies Auxiliary invite other veterans, friends and family, and anyone interested in the American Legion to attend our regular monthly meeting to be held at 6:30 pm Thursday August 8, 2019 at the American Legion Post Hall on Post Hill Road (behind the Jail). For more information on this meeting or the American Legion please contact Joaquin Velez, 218-2049 or Tom Koepke 347-6021.
Since sometime in May, the Seaquist House has been undergoing a lot of work to install a new HVAC system There will be central air and heat on the first and third floors and mini-split air-conditioners on the second. This has been quite a project for the workmen as the walls in the house are 12” thick and they are solid rock!

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