Members of the Texas Hill Country Heritage Association (THCHA)received good news for Mason County last week regarding plans for a wind farm in the western part of the county.
Joan Heredia, director of Environmental Compliance and Regulatory Services for ENEL, sent a message to Mylea Bayless of Bat Conservation International notifying the group that ENEL has made the decision to NOT move forward with the Mason County facility.
What an exciting start to the summer youth baseball tournament season!
Our 7-8 year-old boys (pictured) hosted an 11-team tournament this past weekend. Area towns challenging Mason were Brady, Johnson City, Kerrville, Boerne, Llano, Blanco and Fredericksburg and Burnet had two teams each. Mason started day-1 with a convincing win over Brady then followed up day-2 with a 2-run win over Johnson City.
They came up 1-run short on Saturday morning against Fredericksburg #1, who turned out to be the ...
Mason Elementary is proud to announce that they met two Schoolwide Goals this school year.
The first goal met was the Leadership Goal in which 100% of the Mason Elementary students held Leadership Roles during the school year.
Mason Elementary also met their Academic Goal which was for the students to read 14,000 books and 48 million words by the end of the school year.
Students in Kindergarten through Fourth Grade read 48,202,546 words as they read 14, 482 books!
On June 17, 18 & 24 – 9:00 a.m. - Noon, spend a morning learning about Mason Mountain Wildlife Management Area (WMA), its history, purpose as well as an overview of active projects and management practices. Participants will also hear information about the WMA’s Quail Management Study and learn how data is collected using various transect techniques.
The members of the Fort Mason American Legion Post 285 and Ladies Auxiliary opened their meeting with the pledge of allegiance and a prayer. The pledge was led by Commander Lawrence Spell and a prayer was offered by Finance Officer Bruce Fowler.
Post Adjutant Holly B. Gilmore reported that the delegates for Boys State; Austin Habecker, Grant Stockbridge, and Jackson Chapman, will be leaving this Sunday for Boys State in Austin.
The City of Mason voted a month ago to not pursue creating their own police department; but, that left a number of questions as to what the agreement between the City and County would be for future law enforcement support.
During the County Commissioners' Court meeting on Monday morning, the group considered information they received from the Mayor, Brent Hinckley, as to budgeting figures for next year regarding law enforcement.
I’ll start by apologizing for not having an article for last week’s paper. With that being said, I just want to express my appreciation for all the hard work this team has put forth this year. They recaptured the state team championship and were the first team in the history of UIL to go 1-2 in all the doubles divisions at the state UIL championships.
Twelve MHS students competed at the State UIL Academic Meet from May 23-25 at the University of Texas in Austin. By the end of the contest, four students had earned medals, and the full high school academic team had placed fourth overall.
Jackson Chapman, a junior, won the Bronze Medal, 3rd overall, in Ready Writing.
It’s hard to believe another school year has just ended! Our wonderful mentors were celebrated with a luncheon held in their honor on May 13th at the High School Commons. A big thank you to the cafeteria staff for preparing a special meal for us and to Phyllis Almond for providing a delicious dessert.
Our annual luncheon is a time to let our 46 mentors know how much they are loved and appreciated.
Last week Mason County Republican Women gave a donation to the American Legion for the purchase of replacement display cemetery flags.
Every year the American Legion members and volunteers spend many hours in Mason county cemeteries placing American display flags on graves of veterans just in time to be honored on Memorial Day.