In a grand symbol of reunification, officials with the Texas Department of Transportation, along with federal, state and local leaders from Llano County, followed fire trucks from each side of the Llano River arm of Lake LBJ and met in the middle of the new RM 2900 bridge for a ribbon cutting ceremony on Friday, May 24.
The Commissioners Court in their meeting on Tuesday, approved a resolution to authorize the certification of a cultural district to be named Llano Cultural and Arts Alliance. The Llano Museum and the Llano Library are in this district. By designating this area, it is hoped that it will make Llano a cultural destination for tourists, encourage and promote art and culture in schools, entice artists to move to Llano and improve cultural workspace and performing venues in our city.
The Court ap ...
By Eliseo “Al” Cantu, Jr. Chairman, Texas Veterans Commission
Dear fellow Texans,
As we enjoy the blessings of family and friends this Memorial Day, let us all take a moment to recollect the reason for this day. Today, we honor the men and women who sacrificed their lives, so that we may enjoy the freedoms we hold so dear.
I ask you to unite with family and friends in a national moment of remembrance at 3 p.m.
Mayor Gail Lang started the City Council meeting on Monday, May 20 by swearing in re-elected Alderwoman, Kelli Tudyk.
The mayor then presented Craig Bauman, outgoing Alderman, with a certificate thanking him for his service to the City of Llano.
Bauman stated that he had enjoyed his time working with the Council and mayor and of the accomplishments that were made during his tenure.
AUSTIN– On May 8, 2019, the Texas Veterans Commission (TVC) approved grant awards supporting 102 veterans assistance programs, totaling $23,340,000 from the TVC’s Fund for Veterans’ Assistance (FVA) 2019-2020 grant program.
“The organizations awarded today provide a range of important services to our Texas veterans,” said Commission Chair Eliseo “Al” Cantu, Jr.
National Merit Scholarship Corporation (NMSC) announced this year’s National Merit $2,500 Scholarship winners. The 2,500 Merit Scholar designees were chosen from a talent pool of more than 15,000 outstanding finalists in the 2019 National Merit Scholarship Program.
Llano High School’s outstanding student who won the 2019 scholarship is Heath Buttery. His probably career field is listed as mechanical engineering.
National Merit $2500 Scholarship winners are the finalists in each state ...
At the School Board Meeting on Monday, May 13, the first item on the agenda was to canvass the recent bond election. The bond was passed by 56.66% of the vote. Since there were no opponents running against the board members up for election, those men were declared elected. Officers of the new board are as followed: President Rick Tisdale, Vice President Cody Fly, and Secretary Jeff Kuykendall.
Superintendent Mac Edwards presented the Prevailing Wage Schedule as Presented for Llano County.
The Llano County Commissioners discussed the plans for re-opening the 2900 bridge that was washed out on October 16, 2018 when the big flood hit Llano County. Ribbon cutting day is Friday, May 24. Commissioner Mike Sandoval said that he and Commissioner Peter Jones were content to ride in on a couple of fire trucks, cut the ribbon and let the people start crossing the bridge.
By Crista Goble Bromley, Mayor of the City of Burnet
According to the Lower Colorado River Authority, the Burnet area has received 5.28” of rain in the past two weeks. Furthermore, KXAN Weather states, “In a pattern eerily similar to spring 2015, a weak El Niño Ocean pattern is likely contributing to unusually heavy rainfall across Central Texas, including 7.28 inches of rain last month--the 9th wettest April on record in Austin since 1897, and the wettest since 1976.” I think we all remember 2015 when the Memorial Day floods ravaged ...
The Llano County Commissioners Court met at 1:00 p.m. Monday, May 6 to discuss and approve the resolution regarding the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Risk Analysis Branch Letter of Map Revision (LOMR) future map updates. FEMA sent three maps to the Court earlier this year to be considered. The main objection of the Commissioners Court is that these maps do not take the October 16, 2018 flood or the drift line surveys into consideration.