Blanco County has the lowest unemployment rate in the nine-county Rural Capital Area region, according to information released Friday by the Texas Workforce Commission.
The county’s unemployment rate was 6.1 percent for May 2020. The overall rate in the region for May was 10.6 percent, down from 11.5 percent in April.
Market Days is set to start up again for the year this weekend. June 27 and 28, in Memorial Park, 105 E. Main St. Due to COVID-19 restrictions, opening weekend is three months later than originally planned.
Social distancing and the use of face-masks are encouraged to all vendors and visitors. Hand sanitizers will be available to all.
In a normal season, the park can hold up to 55 vendors.
President David O’Bannon called the June 15 regular meeting of the ESD 1 to order at 7 p.m. via teleconference. All members were present, and a Quorum was established. There were no citizens comments.
Round Mountain Fire Station Update
Vice President Brandt Raeburn and Board Member Kirk McElhenney reported that the construction for Round Mountain fire station looks good, and O’Bannon asked when the skin will be put on the building.
Blanco County Judge Brett Bray called the regular meeting of the Blanco County Commissioners Court to order at 8:59 a.m. Commissioner Tommy Weir, Emil Uecker, Chris Liesmann, and Paul Granberg were present and was simulcasted online via Zoom.
Because the meeting was simulcasted, citizens wishing to make a public comment were required to present at the meeting.
A request to provide public comments regarding the resignation of the newly appointed Elections Administrator was received late fr ...
One of the longest ongoing events in Blanco County will see a hiatus of at least one year.
The Blanco County Fair and Rodeo Association board announced Saturday that the annual county fair and rodeo will be canceled for 2020. It was to be the event’s 90th year.
The board cited health and safety concerns, along with current regulations, as reasons to cancel the county fair and rodeo this year.
Blanco County COVID -19 cases are mirroring trends seen recently across the state and nationally, including an increase in coronavirus cases among a younger demographic.
“For confirmed cases from March through May, the average age was 61.5,” said Ben Oakley, Blanco County infectious disease control officer. Oakley is the EMS Chief for Blanco County ESD 2.
Germania is extending its Reduced Driving Payback through June, raising its total reimbursement to policyholders to nearly $9 million in credits.
Germania announced the launch of its Reduced Driving Payback program in April for personal auto policyholders. Payments of $25 have been issued to each personal auto policy during April and again in May if the policy was in effect as of the prior month end.
An additional $25 credit will be returned for each personal auto policy in June that was ...
Many in the county are in the process of recovering from the pain of a pandemic; but for others, another kind of suffering has remained.
“Our counselors have reported an increase in abuse with their existing clients, mostly because of employment loss, which leads to financial instability,” said Conny Steele, program director for the Highland Lakes Family Crisis Center in Marble Falls.
By Tricia Hartmann
JCISD Board of Trustees held a regular meeting on June 8, 2020 in the LBJ High School Commons Area. Board President Shelly Wenmohs called the meeting to order at 6 p.m. and a quorum was established with all Board members present. There were no public comments.
Bond Project Updates
Jennifer Black of Sledge Engineering presented the Bond Project Updates, including some required changes and some unexpected developments.
The Johnson City Library is kicking off their Summer Reading program with a Parade on Saturday June 20 starting at 9 a.m. The parade will wind through the neighborhoods, and children and adults are encouraged to dress as their favorite character from a book, including comic books, fairy tales or fantasy characters.