The recent renovations to the tennis courts at the high school are almost finished. We encourage everyone to drive by and look at the progress. When finished, our community will enjoy the best tennis complex around for the most decorated tennis program in the state!
This project would not have been possible without the financial commitment from Mason ISD.
Join the members of St John Lutheran Church of Castell to help them celebrate 126 years of service to the Lord.
On October 27, worship starts at 10:00 a.m. with a barbecue meal to follow.
Fall football weather is finally upon us and so is homecoming. Please join us this Wednesday evening at the annual bonfire. Come early to tailgate as there will be hot dogs and water available courtesy of John Watson. Lighting of the bonfire will be at 7:15 p.m. Go Punchers!
The Mason County Republican Women’s Club will host an evening event at the Mason County Library on October 29, 2019, at 7 p.m. Our guest speaker will be David Heckert, a US Army veteran and a field leader with the Texas Border Volunteers.
He will be giving us an update on the current activities on the Texas border and his first hand experiences.
Here we are late into 2019, and once again, it’s election time for the office of Sheriff of Mason County. I wanted to let you, the citizens of Mason County, know my intentions. I have served as your Sheriff since January 2009 and I am and have been honored to serve you in this capacity.
Sometimes, even when you're watching a game live, it can be so confusing that trying to determine what is happening can be quite difficult. Friday night's meeting with the Brackettville Tigers is one of those games that, at almost every turn, defies description.
The officiating, as well as the running of the scoreboard, caused a great deal of confusion for players and for fans.
Llano Recycling
J. A. Lingle, a former Mason student and graduate of Austin's School for the Blind and Visually Impaired, has recently been employed at Llano Special Opportunity Recycling center. He and several other clients, as well as the staff, are losing their jobs at the end of October, as the Recycling Center is having to close due to the prices dropping so low they cannot re-coup costs to send cardboard for recycling.
Start with Hello is an anti-bullying initiative from The Sandy Hook Promise that teaches students that they can make a difference in each others’ lives by doing simple things that have a big impact. The school counselors at each campus spearheaded the efforts at their respective campuses: Julie Armstrong at Elementary, Holly Whittle at Junior High and Melany Canfield at high school.
SAN ANGELO, TX, October 7th – The Area Agency on Aging of the Concho Valley (AAACV) is excited to announce the upcoming Annual Medicare Open Enrollment, which runs from October 15 through December 7. This is an important time of the year to compare prescription drug plans and ensure that you have the right coverage for you.
Three certified Benefits Counselors are available through the agency to provide you with a comprehensive look at your Medicare prescription drug coverage options for t ...
Among the antiquated archives of time,
We found this old scroll of history in rhyme.
It tells the story of one loved person pristine,
Her name you all know is beloved Lorine.
Ninety nine years ago Lorine saw the light of day,
It was out at the Fly Gap way.
It wasn’t long before she started Mason School,
Where Lorine began to learn the Golden Rule.
At Mason Mountain her Daddy and Mama bought land,
And at Peter’s Prairie School Lorine did land.
So many years ago she ente ...