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Mason County News

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The current issue of Mason County News is available to read with an online subscription. Keep up-to-date with news.
Mason ISD is continuing to make meals available to all children 18 years and younger (they do not have to be in school or be enrolled at Mason ISD) for free. Regular deliveries and curb side pick up will be available through May 21. Summer feeding will begin on June 1 and continue until the end of June.
The MCHS Board meeting for May has been cancelled due to the Coronaviris Pandemic status in Mason County. If anyone needs to contact the society, please call and leave them a message on our phone number (325) 347-5218 or visit our web page at We hope to resume meetings and open the Mason County Museum when possible.
Hill Country Youth Ranch recently received a generous contribution from the Hill Country CattleWomen, who presented us with a gift certificate for beef from a market in Fredericksburg. We fired up the grill and served a delicious hamburger dinner for all the children who live at Hill Country Youth Ranch. In this historic time when we’re dealing with the Coronavirus crisis, experiencing a drop in donations, and scrambling to keep enough food in our pantry, this wonderful gift from the Hill ...
For the 14th consecutive rating period, Hill Country Memorial (HCM) has earned an “A” for the Spring 2020 Leapfrog Hospital Safety Grade. The grade reflects a hospital’s performance on maintaining safety measures protecting patients, such as practicing hand hygiene, minimizing falls, and limiting spread of infections. These are metrics the hospital staff pays attention to on a daily basis, according to Jennifer Murray, HCM Quality Manager. “We have a strong push for patient safety ...
For all current 6th and 7th grade students interested in going to Washington, D.C., this is your trip. I’ve had 3 Zoom meetings and the interest for this trip is high. Everything you think of when you think of Washington, D.C., there’s a high chance we’ll be going there. From Arlington National Cemetery to the Declaration of Independence at the National Archives and from the Capitol building to several Smithsonian Museums along the way, for four days we do our best to see everything w ...
On Saturday, Mason Community Kitchen produced 163 containers of chicken posole with New Mexican green chiles and fire-roasted tomatoes. These meals are being distributed free of charge to those who need them. Many of the frozen containers have been taken to the senior center, and most of the remainder will be given out at the food pantry on May 11.
In the 2 weeks between March 30 and April 13, Mason Food Bank volunteers served 258 unduplicated individuals from 99 unduplicated households. That is more than 7% of the county’s population. This was largely due to an unprecedented response from the community at a time when some of our friends and neighbors need a hand.
Since 1983, April has been designated as Child Abuse Prevention Month to raise awareness of the pervasiveness of child abuse/neglect and to promote the safety and well-being of all children. Children are the next generation of leaders and brightest rays of hope for the future. All children deserve to grow up in a nurturing environment free from harm and fear.
Many people are worried about the US economy. There are over 17 million people unemployed in the US and trillions are being spent by our government in aid. After Covid – 19 is over, will the economy recover? Will it bounce back? What effect will this quarantine have had on it?
I hope everyone had a pleasant Easter Holiday and were able to celebrate in some fashion or another even though church services are somewhat restricted during this period due to the coronavirus pandemic. Our churches have provided for all citizens some type of Easter service and we should be very grateful to them for their dedication. The number of cases of Covid-19 continue to climb throughout the State and the death toll stands at 271 as of Monday, April 13th.

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