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Mason County News

Front Page

The current issue of Mason County News is available to read with an online subscription. Keep up-to-date with news.
To address a critical need for blood in the area, Hill Country Memorial and the South Texas Blood & Tissue Center will hold a blood drive on Wednesday, April 1, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the HCM Wellness Center, 1006 South State Hwy. 16 in Fredericksburg. Deena Todd, Clinical Lab Manager, noted that the hospital hosted a blood drive on February 27, but another is needed due to a shortage of people donating out of fears surrounding the COVID-19 outbreak. “People have just been afraid to ...
School closures, visitation restrictions, and disruptions in social events have had a serious impact on all the communities Frontera serves. The goal of these efforts is to help slow and prevent the spread of infection from person to person via social distancing. To date, we have no confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Kimble, Menard, Concho, Mason, or McCulloch Counties, but these efforts have been put in place to help prevent a case from occurring.
In response to emerging needs due to Covid19, beginning on March 30, the Mason Food Pantry will be open twice a month. Hours will be 3:00 – 5:30 pm Monday only, and food will be provided using a drive -thru and-go system. This change in the delivery means that, for the time being, clients will not have the opportunity to select what specific foods they want. March/April food pantry dates: March 30, 2020, April 13, April 27.
Central Texas Electric Cooperative’s office lobbies will be closed to the public beginning Friday, March 20, to protect the health of the cooperative’s members and employees during the Coronavirus outbreak. All drive-thru lanes will remain open at each office in Fredericksburg, Llano, Mason and Kingsland during regular business hours. “Closing our lobbies is the responsible thing to do and is in the best interest to the communities we serve,” said Bob Loth, CTEC’s CEO.
Mason County and District Clerk’s Office will be closing their doors to the public immediately. Please give us a call by phone at 325-347-5253 to see if there is a way to help you without us coming in contact with the public. Our goal is to protect our staff and our customers due to the COVID-19 (Corona Virus).
The Mason County Chamber of Commerce and Visitor Center has created a webpage and direct link to information regarding ALL local businesses interested in participating on their website. YOU DO NOT NEED TO BE A MEMBER OF THE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE TO BE INCLUDED! We understand these are unusual circumstances as local businesses and citizens continue to struggle with ongoing changes.
The First Baptist Church of Mason is responding with everyone else in the community to the COVID-19 crisis. All ministry events for the next few weeks have been either postponed or canceled. This includes the planned showing of “Unplanned” which was scheduled for March 28th. Our church is praying for Judge Bearden, first responders, Superintendent Whittle and all community leaders as they lead us through his historic time.
Books-to-Go! Our front doors may be closed, but you can still “order-up” some great reads! Pick a “menu” number from below and we will prepare a bag for you filled with some surprise books! The Regular: 2 Mysteries and 1 Non-fiction sandwiched between 2 Literary Fictions The Southwestern: 3 Western Fictions sandwiched between 2 Texana The Hero: 2 Thrillers and 1 Non-fiction sandwiched between 2 Action/Adventure The Lighter Side: A tossed together selection of 2 Romance ...
The Hill Country CattleWomen (HCCW) will be cancelling their annual Spring Round Up to be held on April 18, 2020 at the Texas Rangers Heritage Center in Fredericksburg. All ticket and table holders, sponsors and donors are being notified. The event has been rescheduled for April 24, 2021. For questions about the HCCW or to learn how to join, please contact Alice Anderson at 830-446-9691 or [email protected] or go to the HCCW website:
Due to ongoing concerns related to COVID-19, the Steady Steps annual spring fundraiser, originally scheduled for March 21st, has been postponed. The Steady Steps Council wants to ensure the health and safety of all the fundraiser participants, and we hope to announce a rescheduled date soon. We appreciate your understanding, and we wish to thank all of the individuals, businesses, and community organizations who continue to support the Steady Steps Children’s Weekday Ministry. If you ha ...

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