This goat thing is driving me nuts. Not that I necessarily had all that far to go, of course, but still. I’m going to need some help on this one.
What happened was, a goat got arrested. Now, right off, you know you’re looking at good column material when you see a headline that says, ‘No, seriously.
Pre-Kindergarten--Drew Bigger, Alfred Guillen Garcia and Ruby Osbourn.
Kindergarten--Alexis Engleman, Reagan Mikulenka, Miley Montoya, Tristan Ramey and Raney Watson.
First Grade--Aaron Cox, Hunter Finley, Andrew Gilliand, Isaac Meador, Kaleb Reese, Kincade Rodriguez, Camren Smith, Megan Steelman and Maxton Ware.
Second Grade--Leslie Hartman, Camrie Henderson, Joshua Lindell, Dakota Padrone, David Salgado and Bailen Watson.
Third Grade--Tanner Ball, Jaycee Buchanan, Juan Coronado-Godinez, Nashl ...
The Recycle Center in Llano is just that, a recycle center, it is not a drop off for household trash. The center has asked us to get the word out about items that are accepted, household trash causes extra work for the employees of the center and keeps them from doing the job they need to do.
Debbie Slangal has always loved all things Texas. Her grandparents on both sides were here in the Republic of Texas days! She grew up in the Lake Buchanan area, went to school in Llano, then on to UT and became an RN where she worked in surgery in San Antonio.
It's time to buy raffle tickets to win an incredible Pecanwood Lazy Susan, or a fabulous Bubbling Water Fountain. The Drawing will be held April 2, 2016 at 12:45 at the Llano County Lawn and Garden Show.
The Pecanwood Lazy Susan was locally built by the J Craft Company. This beauty is 22"
Belle Laning was the lucky winner of the 2015 Culture Club Holiday Gift Basket. The proceeds from the raffle goes toward the Llano County Scholarship Fund. Thanks to all who contributed to this effort.
The Llano Special Olympics Yellow Jackets participated in the 2-day Special Olympics Basketball Tournament, March 4 and 5 in San Marcos. The event brought together students from elementary to high school from schools across Central Texas. The team participated in unified basketball where half the team has special needs, and the other half can assist and play with them.
One Jacket is heading to state, and two who missed were also outstanding in the Powerlifting Association, Region II, Class-4A Meet, March 12.
“Great accomplishment,” declared head coach Clint Easley. A robust nine from Llano made it to the prestigious event at Robinson High School near Waco.
Dalton Dewveall, who plays a bit of tennis—see Spring Sports Special—and football, achieved one of his major goals.