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The current issue of The Llano News is available to read with an online subscription. Keep up-to-date with news.
On Tuesday, September 29, TCEQ will hold a public meeting at the Mills County Civic Center in Goldthwaite, Texas. The meeting is in regards to a permit, sought by pecan grower OP and Nancy Leonard, to construct a 20 foot in-channel dam on the Colorado River that will impound approximately 1,000 acre-feet of water, covering 109 acres. Opponents of the dam worry that the river will not have enough water for the dam and downstream users, including Lake Buchanan. While the original permit was appli ...
A fire that burned through northeast Mason County last week ended up consuming 9000+ acres before finally being brought under control early Sunday morning. The fire began with a woodpecker and a transformer near Eaton Cemetery Road. The Mason Volunteer Fire Department soon was joined by fire crews from all the neighboring communities and counties, as well as the Mason County Road Department and the Texas Forest Service. Containment on the south end of the fire was centered around Eato ...
At a special meeting Monday the Llano ISD Board of Trustees discussed and passed a budget and a tax rate for fiscal year 2015-2016. Several meetings and workshops have been held in previous months to discuss and iron out the details of the budget. The public was invited to the hearings Monday and ample opportunity was offered to ask questions, get explanations, and give input.
For more than 105 years, the 4-H Program of Texas has been engaging youth in activities that help develop skills for a lifetime.  These skills range from communication to community service and from goal setting to leadership.  Regardless of the skill learned, the benefits of participating is priceless. The 4-H Program is a nationwide youth development program with more than 6.5 million youth involved annually.  Administered in Texas by the A&M AgriLife Extension Service of th ...
Mason Greenwood, in his first varsity game on the home gridiron, ran for three touchdowns and caught a Wyatt Casey pass for a fourth, September 4, and the Llano Yellow Jackets battered Bangs, 41-12. It was Llano's first home win since the 2013 season. Casey also contributed an 82-yard run for a score. The defense was excellent, yielding just one TD when the visitors were on offense. You can read the whole story, including interviews from players and coaches, in The Llano News, September 9.
Council held an executive session at the beginning of the regularly called session on Monday, August 17 to confer with attorneys regarding a pending lawsuit against the City, and the termination of the Groundwater Rights Lease Agreement. Council met with Texas Municipal League attorney Joanna Salinas regarding a lawsuit brought against the city by former employee Glenn Pittman.
Over the last couple of weeks fire departments throughout Llano County and the surrounding area have been battling blazes, fires that cover hundreds of acres. High winds and extremely dry conditions prompted Commissioners to table the Burn Ban, leaving it in effect. Dry conditions also mean that LCRA is continuing its efforts to amend its water management plan. In a letter to TCEQ on August 17, LCRA countered a proposed draft of the order, asking that the lakes be required to be maintained at a ...
LLANO, TEXAS “Meet the Artist” reception, preview and sale will be held September 18, 2015 from 5:30pm – 8 pm at the Llano County Historical Museum. This is a ticketed event; tickets are $25 and may be purchased at the museum or at Space is limited! A live auction of western art and gear will be held September 19, 2015 in the American Legion Hall at 200 Legion Loop in Llano.
Remember that sinking feeling you got when sitting down to a movie in the 60 year old seats at the Lantex Theater? Prepare for a surprise! The old seats are long gone, and 420 new seats have been installed. Well, they aren't brand new. But they are like new. Tex Toler, Main Street Manager, wheeled and dealed for 800 theater style chairs from a high school in New York state.
Commissioners unanimously voted to approve the proposed tax rate for Fiscal Year 2016, setting it at $.31620 per $100 valuation, which is just slightly below the current rate of $.31966. The rate is the effective rate, which means that it will draw the same amount in revenue at that rate as the current rate drew for Fiscal Year 2015.

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