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The Llano News

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The current issue of The Llano News is available to read with an online subscription. Keep up-to-date with news.
Our ancestors dressed in a different way than we do today, at least the women did, and some of it looked to be pretty warm for humid central Texas. This was a day out for the ladies, put on by Virginia Walker and led by the Texas Victorian Lady, J’Nean Henderson, with special model escort, the suave and debonair Jack Walker.
Llano is such an underdog school in this district, and it’s likely things will be similar in the new one. However, I admire the way our coaches work so hard to keep our program going. We all fight tooth and nail for a “chance!” Potentially, two of our teams will secure the coveted “Wild Card” qualification to regionals.
Fifty people participated in the March for Our Lives movement on Saturday at noon in Llano. The group, led by five high school girls, marched from the Llano Library to the courthouse square and around it. The group stopped in front of U.S. Congressman Mike Conaway’s office to chant slogans like, “No more gun violence” and “Gun reform now.” An 8-year old boy, riding on his bike, saw the marchers.
The sprinkling of bluebonnets means it is finally beginning to look like spring in Llano County.
The Llano City Council on Monday voted to leave Robinson Lake drained to allow continued dredging there. The lake will remained drained until the water flow hits 40 cfs (cubic feet per second). The rate was at 80 cfs in Llano on Monday night, said utilities director Josh Becker. Collier Materials, which is doing the dredging, must also provide a mechanism for water to be used for the city’s golf course. One concern about leaving the lake drained is that it is the backdrop for the annual ...
Packsaddle Elementary School will welcome Patrick Ryan Turner as its news principal this fall. He has spent the past four years as superintendent in Quanah. “I want to get back to the campus level so I can work more closely with the students and teachers,” Turner said. That is an important reason for accepting the job at Llano ISD. Turner, his wife, Molly, and their three children, Jackson, Luke and Katie Sue, came to Llano to see the town and schools.
It is a well-used facility, one that is struggling to keep up with the load of product it receives and doing it all with few people than ever before. Located at 1209 Bessemer Street, Llano Recycling Opportunities held an open house on Saturday, offering visitors homemade cookies, water and tours of the facility.
Take a step back in time and revisit the Victorian era at the Llano County Historical Museum’s newest exhibit, “In Your Easter Bonnet.” J’Nean Henderson, the Texas Victorian Lady, will present a living history fashion show of ladies and children’s fashions dating from the 1800s to 1912. Her shows have been enjoyed across the state of Texas where she regularly presents for historical societies, fundraisers and historical reenactments. J’Nean has spent a lifetime studying, teach ...
If you tried to cross the Roy Inks Bridge this weekend you knew what weekend it was -- Llano Earth Art Fest was held for the fourth year, and this one was bigger and better than ever. Opening at 10 a.m. Friday, with an extensive line up music and entertainment, the 2018 edition was one for the record books.
REGION TALENT, L-R: Nolan Keller, Luis Coronado, Coach Clint Easley, Dakoda Trull, Ray Dixon, Quint Pincelli, Luke Keller and Coach Ricky Sparks. The plaques all belong to Dakoda, who will compete at state. Not pictured is Luke Williams. See stories in the sports section.

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