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Johnson City Record Courier


The current issue of Johnson City Record Courier is available to read with an online subscription. Keep up-to-date with news.
Eagles Tennis continues a tough season. They have taken to the court for three tennis events with the district meet in under a month. Battlin’ Billie Invitational Our Johnson City High School Eagle Tennis traveled to Fredericksburg on February 16 to compete in the 2017 Battlin’ Billie Invitational against nine area school loaded with serious tennis talent. Makayla Preston competed and was eliminated by Hondo and Kerrville Tivy in girls singles.
The hometown of the man credited with bringing electricity to the area is teaming up with Pedernales Electric Cooperative (PEC) to bring solar power to the area. PEC formally announced on February 27 they are partnering with the City of Johnson City to construct two one-megawatt solar facilities off of HWY 290 on City owned property. At a Government Leaders Appreciation dinner in 2015, PEC CEO, John Hewa gave a presentation about the cooperative’s plans to launch several solar farms in their ...
The Blanco County Commissioners held their regular court session on the morning Tuesday, February 28. Along with routine business, they accepted art work donated by artist Patti Schermerhorn and Texcetera, and approved communication tower leases with the Lower Colorado River Authority (LCRA). Art Donation Artist Patti Schermerhorn featured at Texcetera in Johnson City, decided to donate a painting she made of the Blanco County Courthouse to Blanco County. “It’s her desire and commitment tha ...
Fifteen members of the Blanco County Association of Retired Educators (BCARE) met in Johnson City, Texas on Thursday, February 23, 2017. Members enjoyed a hands-on science experience at The Hill Country Science Mill before their meeting and delicious lunch at East Main Grill. BCARE Legislative Chair, Carole Smith, reported on issues before the Texas Legislature regarding the Teacher Retirement System’s TRS Care insurance funding and TRS Pension funding.
Hill Country Memorial Hospice announces the 2017 schedule for its Alzheimer’s and Dementia Support Group for anyone affected by those conditions, their families and caregivers. The Alzheimer’s and Dementia Support Group will meet on Tues., March 14 from 2-3 p.m. in the second-floor conference room of the Brune Building at 808 Reuben St.
In February Hill Country Memorial was recognized as one of the nation’s Top 100 Rural & Community Hospitals by the National Rural Health Association. The 100 highest ranked rural and community hospitals in the country were determined by data compiled by iVantage Health Analytics. Hospitals were evaluated on consumer value, quality, outcomes, patient perspectives, financial stability, inpatient and outpatient market and population risk. “We are honored to be among the best rural communit ...
This is the true story of a man who lived in the 4th century named Phocas as told by ancient bishops. He has been revered through the years as a real precious saint of God. He lived outside the city gate in a little cottage in Sanopae, Asia Minor, where he tended a small garden.
It was but a small descent from the original settlers of the beautiful Heber Valley in Utah to Aunt Ruby’s front door. As a child I loved our Sunday afternoon forays from Salt Lake City to the frequent family gatherings in her living room. The men would talk deer hunting and dairy farming while the women would catch up on quilting, weddings and recipes.
Blanco Early Childhood and Blanco High School FCCLA, along with multiple area service providers invite ALL young children, birth – Kindergarten, along with their parents/grandparents/friends/neighbors/and caregivers for a morning of free fun and games on Tuesday, March 7th from 9:30 – 11:00 am at the tennis courts on the Blanco Elementary campus.
Astronomers to present a program on the Winter Milky Way The Hill Country Astronomers (HCA) will meet at 6:30 PM, Monday, March 6, at Hill Country University Center in Fredericksburg. Mark Ward, club vice president, will present a program on the winter Milky Way. HCA’s members live in Central Texas. Some members are experienced and accomplished astronomers, while others are beginners.

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