By Rachel Lumpee
The special meeting of the Blanco Commissioners Court on Aug. 17 was called to order at 9 a.m. by County Judge Brett Bray. All four commissioners were present.
After the pledge of allegiance, Kenneth Welch took the floor for public comments. He began by reading the definition of corruption and said, ”I believe persons in power in Blanco County government may be corrupt.
Board President Shelly Wenmohs called the JCISD regular meeting to order at 6:04 p.m. on August 10, and a quorum was established with all trustees present. There were no public comments.
Superintendent’s Report
Jennifer Black of Sledge Engineering updated the board on the latest bond project updates, as well as the latest bond financial updates.
JCISD Superintendent Richard Kolek highlighted the new Roadmap to Reopening School webpage on the District’s website.
Any Baby Can’s Early Childhood Intervention program strives to identify children with developmental delays early, before their third birthday, and to help parents address delays so the child becomes ready to start school. Deputy Director Cynthia Quinones continues to work, virtually, with the Community Resource Center (CRC), to raise awareness of its services and to serve families in Blanco county.
“We help children unlock their full potential,” Quinones said.
Kinder Morgan presented Blanco County with a check in the amount of $200,000 for the Road and Bridge Department. Pictured left to right: Judge Brett Bray, Allen Fore (Kinder Morgan), Commissioner Paul Granberg and Commissioner Tommy Weir. Courtesy photo.
Most 16 year-olds are focused on the typical high school issues: classes, sports, friends and the future. But Maura Ibanez, a local LBJHS student, has been dealt a card that has changed her future dramatically; however, she hasn’t let it stop her from making an impact that reachs far beyond her community.
Ibanez was diagnosed with Late Stage Lyme disease almost two years ago.
The Blanco County Commissioners Court meeting was called to order at 9:01 a.m. by Judge Brett Bray with Commissioners: Tommy Weir, Emil Uecker, Chris Liesmann, and Paul Granberg.
The public comments were heard after the Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
D’Anne Welch spoke first regarding the upcoming budget. She urged the court to focus on the first responders and make sure they are fully staffed and fully funded.
“This proposed increase to perform county clerk and county assessor/r ...
Mayor Rhonda Stell called the Regular Meeting of the Johnson City Council to order at 6 p.m. on August 4 via Zoom teleconferencing, and a quorum was established with all members present. Pastor Steve Sanchez gave the Invocation.
Public Comments
Kristen Lang of Crossroads Inn addressed the Council regarding the distribution of community events and taxes.
Blanco County has one fewer active COVID-19 case in the latest numbers made available by the Blanco County Office of Emergency Management.
There were 77 active cases as of Tuesday morning, down from the 78 reported Aug. 3. Active cases have dropped by 12 in the past two weeks, when there were 89.
There have been 115 total confirmed cases, up three in the past week.
Dawn Capra, Site Coordinator of the Community Resource Center, receives hygiene materials from the Rotary Club of Blanco County. Pat Clewell, a member of the Rotary Club, presented the needed donations of soap, shampoo, deodorant, toothpaste, toothbrushes, and toilet paper to the center. Clewell also volunteers to help deliver groceries to shut-ins, a great program directed by the center.
Johnson City Volunteer Fire Department (JCVFD) held a Business meeting on July 30, and President Ray Bible called the meeting to order at 6 p.m. The meeting was in person, and a quorum was established.
The first order of business was to make a decision of whether to hold the annual Fish Fry which had been rescheduled for September 12 amid COVID-19 concerns.