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Johnson City Record Courier


The current issue of Johnson City Record Courier is available to read with an online subscription. Keep up-to-date with news.
(Note: Last week’s article had the twist ending cut off accidentally. Read it here: ( ) THE CHIEF OF POLICE AND THE BLANCO COUNTY GAME WARDEN sat in my office along with the three Elders of our church. No one had been arrested and it wasn’t a prayer meeting or Bible study.
The middle and high school youth students from the First United Methodist Church in Johnson City spent the months of September, October and November, focusing their energy and learning on World Vision’s 30-Hour Famine program. World Vision is a Christian humanitarian organization that has spent the past six decades working with families and communities worldwide, tackling the causes of poverty and injustice.
I WAS IN AUSTIN SO I SHOULD HAVE EXPECTED THIS, still, I was caught off-guard…. I was paying for a meal to a very nice cashier. Like I do at most establishments, I gave her a million-dollar bill Gospel tract. You know what that is, don’t you? It looks like a real million-dollar bill, (if there were such a thing), but on the back, it has a 165-word presentation of the good news of Jesus Christ.
Most of the 14,000 apple trees my dad planted on the banks of the Piedras Verdes River in Chihuahua were an imported variety called Stark Crimson. However, on a high ledge overlooking the rest of the orchard he planted about 800 trees of a variety called Oregon Spur. When weather conditions were right the latter variety produced large, deep red, crisp and juicy fruit.
I COULDN’T RESIST: The chalkboard hanging on a school administrator’s office door said, “Leave a Note.” When I work as a Dripping Springs ISD bus driver, I take a short break inside the school and pass by her office. Yes, I left a note…. On Monday I wrote a simple message: “Jesus wants you!
I BROKE INTO A GUY’S HOUSE SOMETIME IN 1989 as repayment for his stealing from me. I felt justified in doing it and was quite brazen as I broke and entered in broad daylight, even asking a few neighbors if he was home. I walked around inside his single-wide mobile home, shopping for what I could steal, settling for a CD player.
First Christian Church of Johnson City is pleased welcome back Jane Rubietta on Friday, October 20th and Saturday, October 21st. The topic for the weekend is Triumph in Transition! Powerful Choices in Powerless Places. Regardless of our age or life stage, we’re all in places of change - some happy, some hard.
CHURCH PEOPLE DRIVE ME NUTS. I know what you’re thinking: “Aren’t you a pastor of a church?” Of course. But let me define my terms. I’m talking about those who go to service every Sunday faithfully, hear the Word of God preached, take Communion, put a buck in the plate and bring the best chicken casseroles ever to the potlucks—yet, they are the meanest, orneriest, shadiest, most vulgar curmudgeons you’d ever want to meet when they step into the parking lot. Church people led ...
“Tell me how you ended up on a Jet Ski heading out of your flooded home,” asked Good Morning America. There were a lot of wonderfully heroic photographs coming out of the ravaged flood areas wrought by Hurricane Harvey over the last several weeks, but the one image that really seemed to strike a chord and add a little whimsy to the horrors of this natural disaster was the picture of the little old lady being transported out of her deluged house on the back of a watercraft. How did thi ...
A story has long been circulated that has been attributed to several sources including Aesop and his fables. It goes something like this: A young girl was trudging along a mountain path toward her grandmother’s house. It was bitter cold, and the wind cut like a knife. When she was within sight of her destination, she heard a rustle at her feet. Looking down, she saw a snake.

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