One day while I was substituting in a high school Spanish class a young lady came into the classroom sporting a very short, very tight skirt. Not being familiar with the school’s dress code, I decided the best policy on my part would be to ignore the situation—but her apparent discomfort made that difficult.
While she was standing, she was tugging at the hem of her skirt as if to lengthen it.
At first I wasn’t sure why I should be the one to do it but the good brother said that since I was the one in charge of the church’s young men in that city, I should be the one. He informed me that a boy had taken up residence under some shrubbery by the building and that I should “run him off.” “After all,” the man said, “he could be a drug addict or something and bring harm to our kids.”
Well, very dutifully, I approached the bushes, leaned down and peered into the cavity wher ...
I MADE A COMMITMENT on January 1, 2004 to share my faith everyday either by having one-to-one conversations or by handing out Gospel tracts. While it may be a noble goal, I don’t always reach it. Still, I’ve tried to be faithful as Christ’s ambassador, as though God were making his appeal through me.
Yet, on occasion, fellow believers tell me that they don’t like what I do or how I do it.
I once had the opportunity to substitute teach for a coach at Blanco High School. The last period of each school day was spent in the weight training room with a group of boys, some of whom were there because of off-season football and others were there because they needed physical education credit.
I noticed that most of the P.E.
I MIGHT HAVE BEEN ARRESTED IN CALIFORNIA if I did what I did last Sunday night, yet there was a good turnout by the Johnson City community to encourage all the graduates being honored at the 2017 Baccalaureate held at H.O.M.E. church.
It was the first time I had ever spoken at something like that, to a mixed group of grads, some believers, some not, secular and religious together, government and ordinary citizens combined at a service that is Christian in nature and intended to recognize the ac ...
George Washington, unlike Adams, Jefferson, Franklin, and Hamilton, was not a learned man. He was not an intellectual. Nor was he a powerful speaker like Patrick Henry. What he was, above all, was a leader—he was a man people would follow. He was not chosen by his fellow members of the Continental Congress to be commander-in-chief because he was a great military leader.
On October 31, 1517, in Wittenberg, Germany, Martin Luther posted his thoughts about some theological topics and the practices of the Church. That simple action began the Reformation — a movement that changed Western society.
Those who follow Luther’s teachings number in the millions. Most Protestant churches today trace their lineage, in some part, to the teachings of Luther.
Luther’s writings on the freedom of the Christian to serve the government, and the role of the government to esta ...
THE MOST IGNORED COMMANDMENT OF JESUS is this: “Go into all the world and preach the Good News to all creation.” (Mark 6:15). Think about it: How many of you have had a real born again Christian share about how to get to Heaven over the last year? When was the last time you said, “Jesus loves you,” much less explain the way of salvation to a “sinner”?
I’LL ADMIT, I CANNOT FIND THAT JESUS LAUGHED anywhere in the Bible. It’s an assumption. I figure that since he wept, he must have laughed. And, don’t forget the minor fact that Jesus was not only 100% God but also 100% man, therefore, he also experienced the same emotions as we do.
Back in the 1980’s Socorro High School in El Paso had one of the top Navy Jr. ROTC programs in the country. As principal, it was my privilege to observe and to evaluate the teaching skills of the program director. Chief Martinez was a veteran Navy submariner. He was a no-nonsense kind of leader who expected a lot from his charges and was seldom disappointed.
During one classroom observation I heard him give the students an overview of how he had arrived at that point in his life.