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Every month, you pay your mortgage. And, depending on your circumstances, you may be able to afford to put in additional payments – perhaps sizable ones. But should you? Or, if you really have the extra money, should you invest it? Initially, you might think it would be quite nice to rid yourself of that mortgage sooner, rather than later.
Sometimes our celebrations of notable occurrences provide us a holiday without our fully realizing the significance of the reason for the celebration. This is true of Easter. Too often we celebrate the holiday with Easter eggs, bunny rabbits and baby chickens, ignoring the deep significance of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ. I am saddened that so many call the supreme miracle of the Resurrection a subjective experience of the disciples rather than an actual historical event. I have alwa ...
Hill Country Memorial will host several diabetes education seminars and classes from April through June at the HCM Wellness Center conference room (1006 S. Hwy. 16) in Fredericksburg. “Diabetes is a serious condition, but it can be managed and even prevented by taking action,” said Kim Thornton, registered dietitian and certified diabetes educator at HCM.
The scientific study of animal behavior is called Ethology. Much of ethology is concerned with understanding what is instinctive behavior and what is learned behavior. Instinctive behavior, sometimes called innate behavior, is inherited and not based on any prior experience. Exactly how instinct is transmitted from one generation to the next is still being studied, but the fact that it exists and the resulting observable actions are what I find really fascinating. Consider this: a sea turtl ...
With an overwhelming 36 million American adults unable to read above a fifth-grade level, the challenge of achieving literacy for all is larger than any single organization. The Dollar General Literacy Foundation is one of the nation’s strongest and most steadfast voices for literacy. The Foundation, which celebrates its 25th anniversary in 2018, has awarded more than $146 million to literacy initiatives that have helped more than 9 million individuals learn to read, receive their high ...
Debbie Vallone-Homeier was one of 81 Texas agents (plus their spouse and/or families) who had the privilege to attend the REALTORS® Political Action Committee (RPAC) Conference in the Bahamas, along with 750 other agents from throughout the U.S. Attendees received political and legislative updates on issues that impact the RPAC and the real estate industry along with homeownership issues.
The 33rd and 424th Judicial District Community & Corrections Department is hosting the 22nd Annual Susan C. Cranford Memorial Hill Country Community Justice Golf Tournament to benefit Hill Country Area Crime Stoppers, Inc. The tournament takes off with a 1 p.m. shotgun start Friday, April 6, 2018 at the Delaware Springs Golf Course in Burnet. Format for the tournament is a four-person scramble.
The contract between Blanco County and Zuercher Technologies for the Sheriff’s Office computer-aided dispatch system has been finalized. The Blanco County Sheriff’s Office’s new dispatch system was approved in County Commissioners Court last week after years of discussion, months of reviewing proposals and negotiating a final contract. The final amount of the proposal from Zuercher Technologies was approved at $251,000, which includes servers, Zuercher’s operating system, a mugsho ...
Addresses Changes to City Employee Policies
Mayor Martha Herden opened the meeting by paying tribute to the late Chuck Homan, former mayor of Blanco from 2010 until 2015. Services will be held Thursday, March 22, 2018 at Trinity Lutheran Church in Blanco. The first issue on the agenda involved changes to the city Employee Manual. City attorney Laura Mueller addressed Council and answered questions regarding the proposed changes. Council agreed to a number of hours month of accrued leave for employees with less than four years with ...
More Texans than usual cast ballots in primary In early voting, Texans participated in greater numbers in the state Democratic primary than the Republican primary, but on Election Day, March 6, the Republican turnout exceeded the Democratic turnout by half a million votes. Primaries historically have been light-turnout affairs. About 10 percent of the state’s 15 million registered voters cast ballots in the Republican primary and about 7 percent in the Democratic primary.

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