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Blanco County News


The current issue of Blanco County News is available to read with an online subscription. Keep up-to-date with news.
Partners Assisting Literacy Success (PALS) is an initiative for kindergarten through second-grade students needing assistance with their reading skills at Blanco Elementary School. More than 15 retired adult volunteers from the Blanco County Rotary Club and interested members of the community are the ‘P’-artners in this reading intervention program and spend one to two hours per week assisting students to improve reading skills. Current educational research suggests that children who be ...
Troops to border draws mixed reactions Gov. Greg Abbott on April 4 welcomed the announcement by Secretary of Homeland Security Kirstjen Nielsen that the federal government would deploy some 4,000 National Guard personnel to the U.S.-Mexico border to assist in stemming illegal immigration. U.S. Sen. John Cornyn of Texas said using the National Guard in a supportive role “is a commonsense way to temporarily assist law enforcement along the border.
What’s litter? Litter is anything that is not properly disposed of in a trash can. On the side of Texas roadways, there are over 400 million pieces of visible litter! You probably did not even realize that there is that much litter, but 71 percent of litter consists of micro-litter. Micro-litter is defined as microscale debris, which can be apple cores, cigarette butts, gum wrappers, etc.
The Blanco Planning and Zoning Commission met April 2, 2018, with Chair Mike Green and all commission members present. After establishing quorum and making corrections to the Feb. 5, 2018 meeting minutes, Green opened the public hearing segment by recognizing resident Susan Moore, who commented on a request before the commission to shorten the building setback by the owners of the property at 18 Main St.
Tuesday, March 27, the Texas Water Development Board held a workshop for Texas State Flood Assessment in Austin at the LCRA Dalchau Service Center. State Flood Assessment Coordinator Dr.Mindy Conyers said this was the first of eight workshops conducted regionally to gather data to put together in a report that will include a history of flooding in Texas; the roles of local, state, and federal agencies relative to preparing for, mitigating, and recovering from floods; a summary of planning and ...
Physical Abuse often occurs when the child has frequent injuries or bruises. They could be complaining of pain without noticeable injury or have unusual patterns of bruising or burns. The child could show a lack of response to pain or demonstrate aggressive, disruptive or destructive behavior. Other signs could be fear of going home or injuries that appear after child has not been seen for a few days. Neglect often occurs when there is a noticeable sign of malnourishment, lack of personal c ...
3/24 a 51-year-old Blanco man for driving with a suspended license 3/25 a 33-year-old Canyon Lake man for driving with a suspended license 3/28 a 29-year-old El Paso man for driving with a suspended license 3/29 a 28-year-old Blanco man for an outstanding warrant 3/29 a 34-year-old Johnson City woman for driving with a suspended license and possession of meth 3/30 a 26-year-old Spring Branch man for driving with a suspended license
More than Just Live Oaks
Several years ago, I wrote a number of columns discussing common native trees, shrubs, vines, forbs, and grasses. I doubt even the most avid reader of these columns remembers everything they read 7+ years ago, so I intend to publish a number of updated columns describing the most common Hill Country plants over the coming months. How many different species of native Hill Country oaks do you think there are?
The USDA-Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) in Texas has announced the first funding application deadline of April 20, 2018 for the Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP). Applications are taken throughout the year for NRCS programs, but deadlines are announced to rank and fund eligible conservation projects. EQIP is a voluntary program that provides financial and technical assistance to agricultural producers.
Individuals with sleep apnea are invited to a free group meeting on Tues., April 10 at 1 p.m. at the Hill Country Memorial Sleep Lab (1002 N. State Hwy. 16) in Fredericksburg. Hill Country Memorial sleep technologist Theresa Cochran will host a roundtable discussion about the obstacles in committing to treatment for sleep apnea, including the challenges in using positive airway pressure masks successfully. The group will continue to meet on the second Tuesday of each month including May 8 ...

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