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Blanco County News


The current issue of Blanco County News is available to read with an online subscription. Keep up-to-date with news.
The meeting was called to order by Mayor Herden, who announced that the tax rate will be considered for action at the meeting Sept. 25. Five people stepped forward with their opposition to the city’s permit request to TCEQ for a wastewater discharge permit into the Blanco River during the public comments. After the minutes of Sept.
TRS Health Care Future Retired teachers facing the unwelcome prospect of paying higher monthly health insurance premiums received better-than-expected news last week. The Teachers Retirement System board of trustees on Sept. 21 voted not to increase premiums because the TRS staff negotiated a better rate and other cost savings with its health insurance provider, while keeping plan and pharmacy benefits the same. The TRS Care fund balance had been projected to be $410 million in the red ...
“The September meeting of the Emergency Services District that provides our Fire and EMS services is probably the most important meeting of the year,” Ann Hall, president of ESD No. 2 started the meeting. According to state law, the fiscal year for the taxing entities in Blanco County, which the ESD is one of, must set a budget for the new fiscal year that begins Oct.
Keep Blanco Beautiful (KBB), Hill Country Alliance, Texas Parks and Wildlife and the Nature Conservancy have worked hard over the past months on the Town Creek Riparian Restoration Project. Join us on Tues. Oct. 2 for a big celebration at the pergola in Bindseil Park at 11 a. m. First, there will be a few short presentations.
Have you ever stopped to think about what goes on inside a tree? We know that the roots of a tree take up water and minerals from the soil and transport them to the leaves where some of the water is used in photosynthesis to combine with carbon dioxide from the air to make sugars, starches and cellulose. But the roots are 20-30 feet below the top of the average Hill Country tree, and there are many trees that are several times that tall.
The fall season is upon us and it’s important to honor the change of seasons with changes in our diet and lifestyle. Personally, the fall season amps up my schedule in every way. School, work and social obligations begin to overtake my life! Add crazy weather to that and it’s enough to wear anyone out!
Teenagers today are under an extraordinary amount of pressure, from involvement in extracurricular activities, fitting-in with social groups and maintaining decent grades it’s no wonder that many feel inadequate. This feeling of inadequacy often leaves teens feeling like they must put down others to make themselves feel more important. Bullying is any unwanted aggressive behavior(s) by another youth or group of youths, who are not siblings or current dating partners that involves an observe ...
Disasters don’t plan ahead, but you can. Get yourself and your family ready for the unexpected during National Preparedness Month this September. This year’s theme for National Preparedness Month is: “Disasters Happen. Prepare Now. Learn How.” This message recognizes that community members often will be the first ones to take action after a disaster strikes and before first responders arrive, so it is important to prepare in advance. All Americans are encouraged to take time this ...
The Sept. 11 meeting of the Blanco City Council was called to order by Mayor Herden, who reported that the work being done along U.S. Hwy 281 is being done by TxDOT with no expense to the city and that it is not part of the Safe Sidewalks to School program scheduled to start next month.
Rainy Day Fund Eyed In preparation for the upcoming legislative session scheduled to begin in January, the Senate Finance Committee in a Sept. 11 hearing considered state spending and costs related to the 2017 Hurricane Harvey disaster. Public education in Texas is funded primarily with local property taxes, so when property values in a district decrease, so does the money available for public schools there.

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