CITY 2021 BUDGET: The City commission will be holding a special meeting August 5th to discuss the proposed city budget for 2021. This year is going by so fast and with so many unexpected changes and events. The Commission will need to discuss and consider the best way to provide a budget that will allow for not only the normal items, but also leave room for unexpected expenses and happenings next year as well.
WATER CONSERVATION PLAN: Just this week our city well No.
Although it is the last week of July, and August will soon be upon us, there is a “cool” spell in Mason with forecasts of daily temperatures in the nineties. However, we all know that the extreme heat will soon be with us again, and the rain predicted for last weekend seemed to find other areas to bless, and thus leave us with continued dry conditions.
ABILENE, Texas, (July 6, 2020) – Junior exhibitors take top honors at the 2020 National Junior Shorthorn Show and Youth Conference in Abilene, Texas. Overall a total of 622 animals were pre-entered and 368 junior exhibitors traveled all across the nation from 24 states to compete for the National Champion top honors from June 22 – June 27.
Judging the Shorthorn Steer show was Lydell Meier, of Stonewall, Texas.
There were a 130 teams that came out to participate in the 2020 Mason County team roping. Mason County team ropers would like to thank Mason Bank and The Commerical Bank for their years of continued support in donating the Mason County Team Roping buckles. The 2020 winners were Zack Hafley (header) and Josh Brooks (healer).
As Kaycee Tatsch Ingleby of KHLB said in her runup to announcing the 2020 Roundup Court, "Welcome to the last event left standing....." Though most every other Roundup event was canceled, the Alpha Beta Psi Sorority moved ahead with the Roundup Queen contest. This year's court, left to right: Duchess Madison Carter, Duchess Kyleigh Ake, Duchess Sariah Hernandez, Duchess Desaree Bowie; and, Queen Lauren Olson.
Texas Farm Bureau (TFB) is now accepting applications for its AgLead program.
Strong agricultural leadership doesn’t only happen in the field. It happens beyond the fencerow—in local and state organizations, court rooms and Congress, said Mason County Farm Bureau President Will Frey.
Figuring out where to develop those leadership skills can be difficult.
“Texas Farm Bureau’s leadership program—AgLead—can help grow our future leaders,” Frey said.
City business is moving forward and the next regular scheduled City Commission meeting will be Monday, July 20 at 5:30 p.m. at the Eckert Civic Center. Although we currently have few or no cases of the coronavirus in Mason, the City is recognizing the serious nature and extensive spread of COVID-19 in our state, and therefore we are adjusting the manner in which we will handle gathering within the constraints of social distancing as well as requiring all participants present to wear a mask.
AUSTIN, Texas—The Texas Historical Commission (THC) supports County Historical Commissions (CHC) across the state as they work to preserve cultural and historic resources. The THC administers the Distinguished Service Award (DSA) Program to honor CHCs that go above and beyond to fulfill their preservation mission.
The Mason County CHC has been awarded a DSA for the 2019 year of service.
It was a fun day at James River Crossing this past Thursday, July 2nd watching 200 rubber duckies race across the finish line at the first annual Mason County Rubber Ducky Race!
The Mason County Chamber of Commerce would like to congratulate the lucky ducky winners, first place #60, second place #79, third place#147 and last ducky #71.
Why do some grasses grow in the winter, but others in the summer?
If you have gone walking through some Mason County pastures this past month, you may have admired the fresh green growth of some of our warm-season grasses. Indiangrass, Little Bluestem, Sideoats Grama, Silver Bluestem, and many other native grasses are putting up vigorous new leaves among the dried dead leaves they produced last year.