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Johnson City Record Courier


The current issue of Johnson City Record Courier is available to read with an online subscription. Keep up-to-date with news.
Texas State Representative Erin Zwiener filed for re-election last week. She is in her first term representing Texas House District 45, which includes Blanco and Hays counties. “It’s my greatest honor and privilege to represent Hays and Blanco counties in the Texas House,” said Zwiener. “Together, we’ve secured more school funding, fought for affordable health care, passed legislation to protect our aquifers and our night sky, and stood up to a company that wants to build a pipeli ...
The Round Mountain Extension Club met at the Johnson City Library on Wednesday, November 20, and gave the following reports. After minutes and treasurer’s report, Gwen Risinger, District 10 Chair, gave a report on the Officer Fall Training. Four of our members, all council officers, attended. It was a very informative training. The Quilt raffle is still going on for a Christmas quilt that members are selling chances on.
North Blanco County Emergency Services District 1 held a Regular Meeting on November 18. President David O’Bannon called the meeting to order at 7 p.m. and a quorum was established. Johnson City Volunteer Fire Department Interim President Scott Peters of Johnson City Volunteer Fire Department (JCVFD) gave the report for October. Peters reported that there were a total of 31 calls with an average response time of 4.83 minutes and 3.5 average responders.
Interim President Scott Peters called the JCVFD Business Meeting to order at 6:12 p.m. on November 20. There were no public comments. Discussion and Action Regarding Vehicle Titles Release to ESD Peters told the firefighters, “As you know, the ESD has been asking us since January to turn over our assets to them.
JCISD Board President Shelly Wenmohs called the Special Board Meeting to order at 6 p.m. on November 21. All board members were present. Bond Project Update Jennifer Black, Casey Sledge, and Britt Lucas of Sledge Engineering gave updates to the Board regarding Plans, Cost Estimates, and Budget for 2018 Bond Package 2 Construction Documents.
When asked what makes up a town, most people may think of the following: a police station, a city council, a grocery store, a bank, a church. And this is all true. What makes a community is the people in that town. And without a doubt, Johnson City has a diverse group of people who contribute distinct talents, experiences, and ideas into how this town grows into a unique community nestled in the Hill Country. One singular aspect of Johnson City is the art district.
BLANCO– On November 30, Real Ale Brewing Co. will host a Holiday Cheers Christmas Market in partnership with 15 local vendors. From 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. the brewery will become a Holiday Shopping destination, all while supporting local artisans. It’s the most wonderful time for a (independent, craft) beer! The Holiday Market will coincide with Small Business Saturday.
In 2011, the US Senate unanimously passed a resolution in support of Small Business Saturday, and all 50 states participated. Since then, the Saturday after Thanksgiving has become a shopping hallmark for American families across the country, and with good reason. Locally, 67 cents out of each dollar spent at a small business stays in the community, according to a 2018 Small Business Impact study. Small Business in A Small Town So in towns like Johnson City, pretty much every business i ...
Judge Brett Bray opened the Blanco County Commissioners Court on Nov. 26 at 9:03 a.m. with all four commissioners present. The public comments were heard after the Pledge of Allegiance. Terry Casparis addressed the court on item 11 on the agenda which is regarding the construction of U.S. Highway 281. He urged the commissioners to be candid and strong with a resolution. Kenneth Welch spoke next on the same item and told the court to look at the facts before passing a resolution. “If t ...

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