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Johnson City Record Courier


The current issue of Johnson City Record Courier is available to read with an online subscription. Keep up-to-date with news.
Empty shelves at the supermarket are not the only shortage created by the pandemic. Homes are in short supply, too. “Unless a buyer is looking for a luxury home, there are fewer to choose from,” says Dr. Jim Gaines, chief economist for the Real Estate Center at Texas A&M University. “Texas’ months of inventory fell to a historic 3.2 months in May as the state’s supply of active listings plummeted to its lowest level in three-and-a-half years.” Researchers consider a six-month in ...
Georgetown- Non- profit organizations who serve first responders, active duty military personnel, veterans, law enforcement members and their families are encouraged to complete a request for consideration to be named a beneficiary of the 2020 Field of Honor flag sales! The 2019 Beneficiaries included Heroes Night Out, Mustang Heritage Foundation, The 100 Club of Texas, Hounds for Heroes (The Dog Alliance), ​and Veterans Suicide Prevention Channel.
A new sign acknowledging the donation from Marci and Louis Henna now graces the Blanco County Community Resource Center (CRC) in Johnson City. The Hennas made a generous donation in April. Marci Henna grew up in Johnson City. As the owners of the Henna Chevrolet auto dealership, the Hennas are a well-known name in Austin.
The Blanco Commissioners Court was called to order at 9:02 a.m. by Judge Brett Bray on July 14. The meeting was simulcasted online via Zoom, but public comments were made in person at the courtroom. First, Terry Casparis took the floor to applaud Laura Walla and Kristen Spies on establishing safety guidelines for the primary runoff early and regular elections.
AUSTIN — Gov. Greg Abbott has again suspended elective surgeries in hospitals in 104 counties located within 11 of the state’s 22 trauma service areas. Each of the trauma service areas has a regional advisory council and a trauma system plan to respond to health crises such as the COVID-19 pandemic. Under the proclamation, Abbott directed all hospitals in designated counties to postpone surgeries and procedures that are not immediately, medically necessary to correct a serious medical ...
WASHINGTON– USDA’s Farm Service Agency (FSA) will begin accepting nominations for county committee members on Monday, June 15, 2020. Elections will occur in certain Local Administrative Areas (LAA) for these members who make important decisions about how federal farm programs are administered locally. All nomination forms for the 2020 election must be postmarked or received in the local FSA office by Aug.
When you think about all the many different areas of the Earth that are different from one another and generally very large in scale, things that come to mind include mountains, oceans, sea costs, forests, deserts, jungles, tundra, glaciers, and frozen areas on the poles. But when we think about those areas, we generally think about very large areas, each covering significant fractions of the Earth.
Blanco County lags behind the statewide average for self-response rate for the 2020 Census. The response rate in the county was 45.7 percent through July 12, far behind the statewide rate of 56.9 percent, according to numbers from the U.S. Census Bureau. “I think there is a reluctance by some to give out personal information to the government. The feeling is that ‘it’s none of their business,’” said Brett Bray, Blanco County Judge.
Johnson City enjoys a rich and colorful history of lovely public gardens, but the long-time volunteers are aging and in need of help. The beautification began with the start of a garden club in 1967. During that time, Lady Bird Johnson was an inspiration with her beautification plans for both Texas and the country. “Lady Bird was always very supportive of our beautification efforts in Johnson City,” said longtime Johnson City Garden Club President Norma Honeycutt. “When so many vi ...
Mayor Rhonda Stell called the Regular Meeting of the Johnson City Council to order at 6:01 p.m. via Zoom Teleconferencing, and a quorum was established with all members present. Pastor Steve Sanchez of Community Church of the Hills gave the Invocation which was followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. In the Invocation, Sanchez asked for protection for everyone from the coronavirus, and gave thanks for the opportunity to meet regarding matters of City governance. There were no public comment ...

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