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Johnson City Record Courier


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While attending college I had a roommate whose mother, Juanita Brooks, was an author of some renown. Her grandfather had been a missionary to the Indians of Utah Territory in the 1850’s. He suffered many hardships during his life but was firm in his religion. Mrs. Brooks remembered him with fondness: Grandpa’s religion was really a living thing.
By Pastor Steve Sanchez “By all the measurements that I have for defining a Christian, I am not a Christian.” Those words were written by Joshua Harris, author of the million-selling “I Kissed Dating Goodbye,” a book that taught an alternative way to develop long-lasting relationships. It took the Christian single world by storm when he wrote it in 1997.
HAVE YOU EVER HEARD OF THE CAMERON CRAZIES? They are the rabid basketball fans at Duke University. These are the special instructions given to them whenever they play their arch-rival North Carolina: “This is the game you’ve been waiting for. No excuses. Give everything you’ve got. Cameron Stadium should never be less than painfully loud tonight.” What do you yell and scream in excitement about?
By the time I was 12 years old I had earned Swimming and Life Saving merit badges in Boy Scouts and wore a Junior Life Guard patch on my swim trunks. I had taken swimming lessons at the old Deseret Gym that was located just a block away from Temple Square in Salt Lake City.
I cannot prove the existence of God. There. I said it. But let me be clear: I can point to evidence that suggests a Creator. With that said, I’ve given up trying to convince unbelievers that God exists for one main reason: They will never believe because they’ve made up their minds that there is no God.
I cannot prove the existence of God. There. I said it. But let me be clear: I can point to evidence that suggests a Creator. With that said, I’ve given up trying to convince unbelievers that God exists for one main reason: They will never believe because they’ve made up their minds that there is no God.
Bill Martineau was a happy man. Jobs were scarce in Utah during the summer of 1963 and he was elated at having found work as a lumber jack in the high Uintah Mountains. He worked very hard during the week and commuted back to Provo on the weekends. That commute took him through the beautiful dairy farming community of Heber City nestled in a green valley in the shadow of snow capped Mount Timpanogas. One day while passing through that town in his dilapidated used car, he ran into a little j ...
While driving through Silver City, New Mexico, we passed an elementary school where I noticed that the United States flag was flying upside-down. I told my wife that that was a distress signal. We turned around and she parked the car in front of the school and I went inside.
WHO ARE THE MOST TERRIFYING PEOPLE TO SHARE ABOUT JESUS? Atheists? New-agers? Muslims? The guy who owns the vape store in South Congress? None of the above. The scariest, most horrifying people in the world to witness to about our Christian faith are—wait for it—family members! (Cue “Psycho” theme.) If you talk to your neighbors about eternal things and they get upset, you may not be able to borrow a cup of sugar for a week.
By Pastor Steve Sanchez “People, I just want to say, you know, can we all just get along? Can we get along?” Rodney King asked these questions on the day of the L.A. riots in May of 1992. You’d think he was talking about the current divisions we see daily in America fanned into flame by Twitter, Facebook or anyplace else people put in their two cents.

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