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Johnson City Record Courier


The current issue of Johnson City Record Courier is available to read with an online subscription. Keep up-to-date with news.
I have to admit that my running career has been less than stellar. In my junior year of high school I won the 440-yard dash and the high jump. Having convinced myself that I had both events in the bag, my senior year I came in second in each of them. Shortly after taking my first “real job” in Mexico City, I decided that I should start running in order to stay fit.
WOULD YOU CONFESS YOUR SINS TO A PLANT? What if you were a seminary student learning to be a minister and this was taught by your professor? Wouldn’t you think something was amiss? Of course, but that’s just what happened at New York’s Union Theological Seminary last week when an image was posted to Twitter of students gathered around a bunch of plants while one seminarian was apparently disclosing his deepest, darkest secrets to the flora fellowship.
By Pastor Steve Sanchez THAT TOWER OF PISA-LIKE LEANING POLE in front of Big Daddy’s gas station on Highway 290 scares me. I noticed it about a week ago as I drove to my church. “What the heck?” I thought. “I wonder what happened?” It looked like it got hit by a very big truck going too fast or one of those 50 MPH summer winds nearly blew it over.
By Pastor Steve Sanchez This article marks the beginning of my fifth year writing a column for the finest paper in the Hill Country. I have appreciated the opportunity to write about real life from a Christian perspective for the past four years and I hope to continue for many more years to come. If you’ve been reading Pastor’s POV for any length of time there is one common thread in every article: Jesus, of course.
By Keith J. McClellan When James Russell Lowell was asked, “How long will the American Republic endure?” he replied: “As long as the ideas of the men who founded it continue dominant.” The Constitution of the United States has been criticized by some as outmoded and written for an entirely different period of our nation’s history.
THERE’S ONLY ONE RIGHT WAY TO BE BAPTIZED, according to the Bible, but for some reason there has been quite a bit of confusion over the millennia. I was reminded of this “controversy” as I baptized Logan Morlino, age 11, and Branson Smith, age 9 on Sunday. Their parents did not make this decision for them; this was something that the Lord did in their hearts when they gave their lives over to Jesus after they were born again. The Bible teaches “believer’s Baptism.” That means wh ...
Rick Reilly, Columnist for, wrote the following story in 2012 that I believe, in these times of selfishness and turmoil, and especially as school starts up again, bears re-telling: “In the scrub-brush desert town of Queen Creek, Arizona, high school bullies were throwing trash at sophomore Chy Johnson. Calling her ‘stupid.’ Pushing her in the halls.
By Pastor Steve Sanchez HAVE YOU EVER COMMANDED GOD TO ANSWER YOUR PRAYERS? I know that sounds at the very least, that question is highly unorthodox, if not blasphemous. You know that I don’t teach extremes, nor do I hang from the rafters when I write about our Christian faith, so, please, hear me out…. In my daily devotions I came across something from respected Baptist pastor and author, F.
The start of the school year is time for blessing students' backpacks in many churches, asking God’s protection for the packs and the children who wear them. Pastor Lee Romero led the blessing ceremony Sunday morning at the First United Methodist Church for (from left) Hagen Birck, Jacob Anders, Tinley Weeks, Riley Birck, Dilyn Weeks, and Brandt Birck.
75% OF AMERICANS CALL THEMSELVES CHRISTIANS, according to a Gallup Poll entitled the “2017 Update on Americans and Religion.” That’s good news, right? After all, three quarters of your fellow citizens are believers, the Gospel has obviously taken root in society, so now, all we have to do is wait for the return of Jesus because the work of spreading the Word is almost finished. Not! There was a more unsettling study done several years ago which came to a completely different conclus ...

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