Do you remember an angel named Nancy Wallace?
As a middle school student around the turn of the century, she played an angel in the Living Nativity Pageant at the First United Methodist Church. That was before she went to college, became a missionary, married, and had two little angels of her own.
Now she’s Nancy Wallace Bradley, who brought her husband, Chad, and daughters Faith and Charity, home from Ethiopia, where they’ve been teaching and preaching for two years, to show the girl ...
At a recent devotional for business college students, Elder Neil L. Anderson made the following remarks:
“For me, there are no words in any language to truly describe the majesty, the power, the glory or the love of the Son of God. Christ came to the earth in the meridian of time and was able to experience the trials and temptations of mortality.
The origins of the Thanksgiving holiday go back to the very founding of the American republic. Presidents George Washington and Abraham Lincoln are both credited with setting aside a national day of thanksgiving--Washington in 1789 and Lincoln in 1863. Ever since those times we have been expressing our gratitude for our many blessings.
The plentiful fish of Utah Lake, in the Utah Valley south of Salt Lake City, were much appreciated by the early pioneers who often journeyed south on fishing expeditions. Apparently during that time when her husband was on such an expedition, Hannah Cornaby struggled to feed her family, and recorded the following experience:
One morning having, as usual, attended to family prayer, in which, with greater significance than often used, we asked, "give us this day our daily bread;"
By Keith J. McClellan
My patrol had been assigned to design and build a tower using poles that could be found at hand, and ropes for lashing the poles together. Other patrols had been assigned to engineer and build equivalent structures such as suspension bridges and camp furniture.
The seven of us that constituted my patrol put our heads together and drew up the plans for the tower, meticulously putting down on paper everything we thought we would need: four large poles for the outer she ...
By Pastor Steve Sanchez
THIS WILL BE MY LAST ARTICLE FOR THIS FINE PAPER. After four years of writing this weekly column, it’s time to move on. There are some changes happening that I think will be of great benefit to the Johnson City Record Courier.
I want to thank y’all for allowing me to voice a pastor’s perspective on living the Christian life between Sundays.
Mexicans love baseball. I suppose that is why so many of them play in the major leagues. During the 1957-58 school year, I was in the eighth grade at the American School of Monterrey, Mexico. One day a couple of guys showed up at the school and asked for a handful of volunteers to play the role of an American little league baseball team in a movie they were filming.
The movie was called, “Los Pequenos Gigantes”--The Little Giants.
THE YOUNGER BROTHER OF A MAN SHOT by a former Dallas Police officer stunned the world when, instead of condemning Botham Jean’s killer for shooting him in his own apartment by mistake, said something so outrageous, so ridiculous, so weird, that he must have been an authentic believer in Jesus Christ.
IT’S TIME TO MAKE A STATEMENT! Do the very rare thing that has been long forgotten. Show that you are different, “Contra Mundum.” Be a quiet rebel by carrying one simple object that declares, “This is the way; walk in it!” Students, bring your Bible to school on Thursday, October 3, to show that you are not afraid, that you are a person of The Book and that you are the generation that will make a difference for God and country.
Because the adults have dropped the ball.
In a 2019 ...
Johnson City—Students from LBJ High School, Middle School and Elementary School will join thousands of other youth on athletic fields across the nation on Wednesday, October 9, 2019, to share their Christian faith with fellow students during the 16th annual national Fellowship of Christian Athletes’ (FCA, Fields of Faith event.