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Blanco County News


The current issue of Blanco County News is available to read with an online subscription. Keep up-to-date with news.
Burn Ban Enacted, Fireworks Ban Considered
ComissionersTommy Weir, James Sultemeier and Paul Granberg were present at the June 12, 2018 meeting along with Blanco County Judge Brett Bray. Regular Agenda & Budget Line Items The minutes from the prior Commissioners Court meeting were approved unanimously with Commissioner Sultemeier motioning to accept the minutes and Commissioner Weir seconding the motion. The estimated June 2018 payroll of $310,743.27 was motioned for approval by Commissioner Weir and Commissioner Granberg seco ...
The Blanco County Sheriff’s Office received 352 calls for service from 6/11/2018 through 6/17/2018. The Blanco County Communications Center received the following call types during the seven-day period: 26 = Arrests 146 = Traffic Stops 18 = Reckless Drivers 35 = Medical Aid Calls/Medical Alarm 24 = 911 Hang up Calls, Mis-dials, Open line or Abuse calls 5 = Fire Calls/Fire Alarms 10 = Motor Vehicle Accidents 6 = Disturbance Calls 5 = Animal Complaints/Loose Live Stock Calls ...
The Texas Water Development Board, Texas Historical Commission, and Texas Parks and Wildlife Department are once again taking a summer road trip—and everyone is invited. We’ll be on the lookout for two iconic and important Texas water symbols that help define the story of Texas water: windmills and water towers. Windmills helped populate our great state by making water available in areas not supported by rivers and springs, and they remind us that the water beneath our feet continues to ...
Kendall County Women’s Shelter will host its fourth annual Safe Place Clay Shoot Aug. 3, at Joshua Creek Ranch in Boerne. KCWS is currently registering five-person teams and individuals for the event. For the month of June, shooters can save $100 on a team of five, and individuals can save $20 on entry fees.
You have probably heard by now that regular exercise has many health benefits from stress relief to weight loss. In fact, a sedentary lifestyle can contribute to heart disease, depression and more aches and pains. Also, as we age arthritic symptoms begin to set in as our bones become brittle and weak.
Join the Blanco Library on Monday, June 25 to see an introduction to 3D printing using Pursa! This class is required for those wanting to sign up to do 3D projects. After June 25 on Mondays we will have time slots available for projects. At the class you will receive information about approved websites to get files to create. We are limiting time slots to 2.5 hours, so please make sure your project does not exceed 2 hours. We will review the files before anything is printed. This ...
My mother used to say we spend two years teaching children to talk and the next 20 teaching them how and when to be quiet. I still smile when I think of that. She was one of those moms who had a lot of good things to say. She was blunt.
Our hot summer weather makes it necessary to plant in the proper sun or shade. For instance, impatiens or begonias must be planted in shady flower beds or a hanging basket in the shade. Most nursery workers will help you to choose the correct plant for shade or sun. Dead head (remove) dried seed heads on annuals, perennials, and roses to promote new blooms.
I have written about our native Hill Country trees and shrubs in previous columns. Today I want to write about some other woody plants that are native to the Hill Country, vines. Somehow, when one mentions vines, a jungle comes to mind, not our semi-arid region. Maybe it is just too many Tarzan movies when we were kids.
Most people look forward to summer as a time for relaxation and vacation. Kids and teens get a well-deserved break from their rigorous school schedules and the regular ‘rules’ such as bedtimes and curfews are not strictly enforced. Church attendance often drops significantly during summer months. Families may enjoy time spent at the beach, barbeques, camping and road trips to visit relatives. Summertime freedom may also mean less parental supervision and can also be risky for some tee ...

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