The Blanco Coalition of Awareness, Prevention, and Treatment of Substance Abuse (CoAPT), in partnership with the Blanco County Rotary Club, recently presented Blanco High School Principal Patrick Hinson a check for $9,000 for the purpose of purchasing vape detectors for the high school.
Vaping, or the use of electronic or e-cigarettes, is a national epidemic among young people.
Blanco Cowboy Church held its 15 Buckle Blowout Youth Playday in the church’s arena Sunday afternoon. The entry fee for the young cowgirls and cowboys was attendance at the morning Worship Service, which was held in the arena with Chaplains Ken and Deb Nicolas of Cowboys for Christ officiating. Following the service, the church ‘s youth concession stand provided delicious individually wrapped sausage wraps and brisket sandwiches fresh from our local Old 300 BBQ.
On Oct. 7, Kinder Morgan presented a donations to Peyton Colony School Trust and Blanco County. KM gave a donation of $85,000 to the Peyton Colony School Trust in Blanco County on behalf of the Permian Highway Pipeline Project. They also presented a payment of $600,653 for county road repairs and maintenance on behalf of the Permian Highway Pipeline project.
Blanco Education Foundation Treasurer Karen Hinson, left, presents Blanco ISD Superintendent, Clay Rosenbaum with a check for $16,200. Thanks to a generous donation from Kinder Morgan, the Blanco Education Foundation (BEF) recently presented the Blanco ISD a check for the purchase of 50 Chromebook computers. The district’s goal is one modern Chromebook computer per student.
The Blanco County Commissioners Court meeting was called to order by Judge Brett Bray at 9:02 a.m. Tuesday with all four commissioners present.
After reciting the pledge of allegiance, the public hearing on the adopted budget opened at 9:04 a.m. This hearing provided the time to make comments regarding the county’s budget to comply with Section 111.075(b) of the Texas Local Government code.
With election day less than a month away, local Democrats and Republicans seem ready to bust down the doors to the polling places. Early voting for the Nov. 3 election starts next Tuesday.
“We’re really busy but happy; we’re working hard to get out the vote,” said Terry Casparis, chairman of the Blanco County Democratic Party.
The Blanco Coalition of Awareness, Prevention, and Treatment of Substance Abuse (CoAPT) continues its “Sticker Shock” campaign, which is designed to educate adults who might purchase alcohol legally and provide it to minors.
Several Blanco businesses allowed the coalition members to come to their stores to place the sticker warning-labels on their alcoholic products.
There are 29 active COVID-19 cases present in Blanco County, the county’s office of emergency management announced Monday night.
The 29 active cases are two more than last reported by BCOEM Sept. 18, but fewer than the 40 the office reported Sept. 2.
Overall, there have been 143 total confirmed cases in Blanco County since the pandemic began this spring.
The Blanco County Appraisal District mailed out approximately 19,000 property tax statements for the 2020 tax year on Thursday, Oct. 1. The Blanco County Appraisal District is responsible for mailing out tax statements for eight taxing entities, with a total collection estimate of $34,298,000.
Taxpayers can mail their payments to Blanco County Appraisal District, P.O.
Ladies of the Rotary Club of Blanco County safely spaced themselves and dressed in mask united to put hygiene kits together for several Blanco County outreach organizations.
Sandy Switzer, who is the hygiene kit project team leader, and Connie Cox, Pat Clewell, Dixie Van Eynde, Jan Gass and Leta Garcia decided to prepare the kits for Blanco County as safely as possible.
The organizations the Rotary Club delivers kits to are: Blanco ISD schools, Johnson City ISD schools, the Community Reso ...