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The current issue of The Llano News is available to read with an online subscription. Keep up-to-date with news.
Courtney Reyna stares down the Leander Glenn Grizzly during the basketball games last week.
Claudine Weber celebrated her 99th birthday with family and friends, including her bridge club and 42 players, at CelesteCare on Wednesday, Jan. 4. Her party was hosted by her Sunday School class from First Baptist Church with cake, refreshments, coffee and tea. Mary Fay Wallace entertained the crowd by playing the piano.
What wacky, winter weather we have been having so far, cold, warm, bitter cold, warm, and cold again. At the time of writing, the temperature is 18 degrees in Llano, early on Sunday morning, by the time the paper comes out it is supposed to be a balmy 75. Welcome to winter in Central Texas.
Smith is hiking to raise awareness for veterans with PTSD
Eli Smith wanted to do something on a grand scale, and he sure found something that fits the bill. Smith, an Army veteran, is hiking the more than 13,000 miles to the four corners of the continental United States to raise awareness for soldiers and veterans who have PTSD (post traumatic stress disorder).
The Llano City Council on Monday voted to issue up to $1.7 million in certificates of obligation as the first step to fix the city’s aging and sometimes crumbling infrastructure. At the special called meeting, the council also directed city staff to continue to work to prepare more specific information that will likely be used in February to call for a bond election in May to repair the city’s streets and swimming pool. On Monday, the council moved in a 3-0-1 vote, with Glenn Conner abstain ...
Llano finishes second at national meats judging competition
Llano High’s Meats Judging team has been one of the best in the nation — literally — for a number of years, and its talent showed again in the Western National 4-H Roundup, Jan. 6-7 in Greeley, Colorado, near Denver. The Jackets placed second in a field representing 10 states. “Had a really good day,” said Joe Dan Tarter, an agriculture teacher for more than two decades at Llano High.
Castell General Store held its 8th annual Polar Bear Plunge on New Year’s Day. Those who took part in the plunge were Glenn Hadeler, Janice Jensen, Linda Briant, Philip Lang and Billie Nugent.
Dec. 31, 2016, the end of the year and for many a time to look forward to new beginnings, resolutions, and a time to get out and celebrate. Private parties to full-blown, formal affairs were taking place all over the area, and the skies were lit from early evening to a climax at midnight as 2017 rolled around. One private party, at the residence of David and Doris Messer, was not only a New Year’s party, but a showing of recent artwork by local artist Lou Quallenberg.
Precinct 1 Constable Gary Olfers was sworn in on Jan. 3 by Precinct 1 Justice of the Peace Bebe Piatt. The ceremony took place at the Llano County Horseshoe Bay Annex. Olfers is serving his second term.
Smith has lived the mission life, both at home and overseas
Life has been a mission field for Sarah Smith. The chairman of LADI (Llano Alliance for Drug Intervention) spent almost three decades working at a San Antonio mission before fulfilling a lifelong calling later in life at the age of 70 – going on four mission trips to Africa. Smith said she knew from the time she was young that she would be a missionary one day. “When I was 14, the Lord spoke to me out loud.

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