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The current issue of The Llano News is available to read with an online subscription. Keep up-to-date with news.
Everyone in 10 Central Texas counties will soon be able to text 911 in emergency situations. Central Texas 9-1-1 call centers will start testing Text to 9-1-1 emergency communications systems in March. The testing will start in Hays, Travis and Williamson counties and should be available in Llano County in May, according to Gregg Obuch, emergency communications director at the Capital Area Council of Governments. “Right now, I’d say early to mid-May if all goes well,” he said. Obuch ...
Young and old, locals and visitors, new age hippies and cowboys - the Llano Earth Art Festival drew visitors of all sorts to the banks of the Llano River. Some folks came for the art, others spent most of the festival knee deep in the river stacking rocks, and some came to shop at the various booths and food trucks. The Amazing Walter, aka the Sandcastle Man, has traveled the world teaching sandcastle building workshops and spent his days at LEAF demonstrating his incredible castle buildin ...
Courtney Reina (L) and Emily Ozanne had super performances at the Region Powerlifting Meet. Reina was second in her class; Emily was fourth in hers. The full story is in the sports section. 
Canned goods from the Llano Foodie Market were distributed to the Llano Food Pantry on Friday, March 3. On Feb. 25, the Llano Foodie Market was held at the John L Kuykendall Event Center. Admission was $3 or two canned goods. Donations filled two carts at the Llano Food Pantry that will be distributed to local families and senior citizens.
Restaurants and parking lots were full last weekend. Out of town visitors with horse trailers in tow were looking for the perfect spot to eat while in town for the Hill Country Ranch Sorting being held at the John L Kuykendall Arena. Competitors from across the Hill Country drove in on Friday night and Saturday morning for the team competition, pitting riders against the clock, and bringing sales tax dollars to Llano. The morning gets started, like all rodeo events, with a prayer and the Nation ...
Representatives of the Llano Alliance for Drug Intervention toured area Boys and Girls Clubs of America facilities last week in an effort to learn more about the organization with its potential move to Llano County. The group toured the BGCA in both Marble Falls and Burnet. Sarah Smith, LADI president, was impressed with what she learned.
The Llano City Council handled mostly routine business in a short meeting Monday night. The council voted 3-2 to approve construction of a building to store equipment for the water and wastewater departments. The council put a cap on the expenditure at $50,000. Councilors Gail Lang and Glen Conner voted against the measure. Since 2014, the city has spent $600 per month plus paid for electricity to lease space to house its Vac-Con combination truck and jet trailer.
One man’s trash is another woman’s yurt
LEAF (Llano Earth Art Festival) is widely known as the rock stacking championship of the world, but for many who attend, it is so much more. Along with rock stacking opportunities, attendees can enjoy live music, dancing, and participate in workshops from permaculture to yurt building at the March 10-13 event at Grenwelge Park. A yurt is a ergodynamic structure built on a wooden frame.
BLANCO — A strong young man and a lithe young lady were double gold medalists for the Jackets, as the Track & Field season debuted February 23 with the Panther Relays. Ray Dixon wasn’t in midseason form — he was approaching Mike Myers Stadium form, with a throw of 53 feet, four inches in the shot put and a 166-11 heave of the discus.
Valentine’s Day royalty was recently crowned at Llano Rehabilitation and Nursing Center. The queen was Mary Lind and the king was Ray Caples.

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