Anyone with a library card can use the new machines in the Makerspace for free. Some materials are available for personal use. Right now we have a sewing machine and a Cricut machine, with a 3D printer coming soon. To use any of the machines you will need to be certified by a staff member and sign a maker agreement. Get ready to start making!
Get certified during one of our Maker classes.
Sew Your Own
Face Mask
Tuesday, Dec.
It is expected that more holiday gifts and greetings will be sent through the mail this year, as families and friends will hold virtual celebrations instead of opening gifts in person. The Postal Service always encourages customers to send their holiday gifts and cards early. This year is no different.
This has been an extraordinary year of unprecedented challenges given the Covid-19 pandemic and the Postal Service is expecting significant volume increases which are difficult to predict.
Today we will discuss some things to look for when touring a Long Term Care facility; either a Nursing Home, Assisted Living, or Memory Care facility like Morning Star. When it becomes time to make these choices they can be overwhelming, if you are not prepared with the right information and knowledge about your choices you may not make the best decision for your loved one.
• Visitation
Check on visitation with the virus limiting visitation.
Cases of COVID-19 have “dramatically increased” recently in the Hill Country, according to James Partin, MD, Chief Medical Officer for Hill Country Memorial.
The Texas Department of State Health Services (DSHS), collects, tracks and reports on various county level data related to COVID-19 such as active and total cases, trends and hospital capacity by region.
Texas physicians recommend schools use rapid antigen testing along with other on-campus safety measures to detect early signs of coronavirus infection among students and staff. The recommendation comes from the Texas Medical Association (TMA) School Reopening Workgroup, which includes physician members of the TMA COVID-19 Task Force, Committee on Infectious Diseases, and Committee on Child and Adolescent Health, and local health authorities from throughout the state.
Rapid antigen testing i ...
RangerACE opens application to Central Texas teens with vision
Are you a teen with a great idea about how you could give back to your community and help others around you? Could you use some money to make your dream a reality?
Austin’s RangerACE program just might have the solution to getting your project off the ground.
By Mark Fritz, president of Bridgemoor Transitional Care
While holiday celebrations may look a little different this year, most of us will likely be spending more time at home this season. For some, that may mean putting up more holiday decorations for your family to enjoy. While this is a safe way to stay socially distanced from others, it’s important to take proper safety precautions to avoid injuries from falls—whether you’re hanging lights on the roof or decorating an 8-foot tree. ...
I like cows and calves. I know regular readers may be surprised by that statement given that cattle are not native to Texas and I have written many times before about how exotic plants and exotic animals don’t belong in a native habitat and can even be detrimental to the health of the ecology.
After nearly 50 days on the job, Johnson City’s chief administrative officer and city secretary told the Record Courier that he is settling in while tackling the city’s tardy financial audits and handling they myriad of other tasks typical of a growing city.
“I’m ecstatic to be in Johnson City,” Rick Schroder said.
The city council announced the hire on Oct.
Even in the midst of the current health issues, the Blanco County Community Choir will continue the tradition of presenting Christmas concerts for the community in both Johnson City and Blanco. Both concerts will be shorter than usual and presented outdoors. In Johnson City on Friday, December 4 at 6:00, the choir will sing on the south steps of the Blanco County Courthouse. Audience members can drive up and listen from their cars or bring their own chairs. On Sunday, December 6 at 6: ...