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Mason Tennis Advances to State
The Mason Tennis Team advanced to the State Team Tennis Tournament after winning the Regional Team Tennis Tournament March 4-5, 2022. Those who participated were (l-r): Front: Kylie Cockerham, Chainey Weitz, Sterling Smith, Jakelin Zermeno, Reagan Norman, Kyleigh Ake, Katy Rhea Tedder, Lucy Rochat, and Kinsley Jordan. Back: Coach Cade Smith, Robert Aguero, Bailan Kerr, Carlton Schmidt, Quince Lawler, Jay Ahlschwede, Matthew Culver, Ben Pinter, Mason Hatfield, Jack Gillespie, and Coach Salah Eckert. Not pictured were Tate Spencer and Coach Tiffany Ake. Photo by Mason High School.

By Cade Smith, Mason Tennis Head Coach The Mason tennis team competed in the Regional Team Tennis Tournament on March 4-5 in Mason at the Helen Tallent Tennis Center. Friday morning, Mason took on San Saba High School and won 19-0, dropping only 14 total games throughout the dual match. Mason then took on Blanco High School in the second round of the round-robin style tournament and again won 19-0, this time dropping only one set throughout the dual match. On Saturday morning Mason took ...

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