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Representative Murr Visits Mason
Representative Andrew Murr, District 53 of Texas, visited Mason on June 18, 2021. Murr helped secure an additional $6 million in new funding to rebuild the Mason County Courthouse. During his visit he met with county officials and did a walkthrough of the Courthouse. Pictured above are (l-r): Top, Justice of the Peace Judge Treg Hudson, Precinct 1 County Commissioner Reggie Loeffler, and Friends of the Courthouse VP Curtis Donaldson. Middle, County Judge Jerry Bearden, Representative Andrew Murr (Texas House of Representatives, District 53), and Friends of the Courthouse Member Homer Sanchez. Bottom, Sheriff Joe Lancaster, District Judge Rob Hofmann, and Treasurer Polly McMillan.

District 53 Representative Andrew Murr visited Mason on June 18, 2021. Representative Murr was instrumental in securing $6,000,000 in new funding to help rebuild the Mason County Courthouse. In his personal research Murr said this was the first time in about two decades that the state has give money to a county, outside of grant money, for their courthouse. "This was an attack on the Judiciary branch of government,"

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