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Llano ISD students head back to the classroom

There is a hopeful and cautious optimism among administrators and parents as the vast majority of Llano Independent School District students have returned to the classroom. A minority of families chose the district’s online option and those students are learning at home.

“You could literally feel the excitement,” said Kim Stubblefield, principal of Llano Elementary School. “Our staff is so excited to have kids back in the building and the kids are thrilled to be back to school. Students have done amazingly well with mask-wearing and social distancing.”

The doors at the district’s four campuses swung open again bright and early on Thursday, Aug. 13, but things were a little different: Nervous parents could not walk their kids to the classroom, like many enjoy doing on the first day of school for their young children, and people were encouraged not to linger on the lawn of one campus.

Eighty-eight percent of the enrollment at Llano Elementary and almost 86 percent of high-schoolers were on campus for the first few days of school, according to their principals.

There is a 3-week window for parents to change their minds about classroom or online learning.

“We anticipate a few of (the remote learners) returning to campus for face-to-face instruction,” Stubblefield said.

So far, so good

The principals of both Llano Elementary and Llano High School said the first few days went smoothly.

“We had a few normal first day challenges such as getting a little backed up at lunch time and dismissal lasting a little longer than we’d like,” Stubblefield said.

Lunchtime also was minor challenge at the high school.

After day one, “we tweaked a few things (on day two) to accommodate greater distancing during lunch periods,” said Llano High School Principal Scott Patrick.

Overall, he was pleasantly surprised.

“It was amazing to see how easily the kids transitioned back to school after being out for so long,” he said. “Other than the masks, it felt like a normal first day. The new check-in procedures worked well. We’ll obviously continue to look for ways we can be better, but I feel really good about the way this year got started.”

He said that’s because of teachers and staff members.

“They’ve worked really hard for the past two weeks to bring the plans we had on paper into reality,” Patrick said. “Our teachers have met these challenges head-on. As we’ve worked through things, there have been some frustrations, but we’ve established a mindset of expecting the unexpected and adjusting on the fly.”

Students also deserve a bit of credit, of course.

“They’ve been adapting to the current situation,” he said. “We haven’t had to fight them about wearing masks or being compliant with some of the other things we’ve asked them to do.”

Stubblefield also was feeling a sense of pride.

“We’re proud of our students for doing their best during this unusual time. We appreciate the patience, understanding, and grace that people have shown,” Stubblefield said.

First Day jitters

When Jessica Graham spoke with the Llano News last month, she was uncertain about whether to choose online or classroom learning for her three daughters who attend one of Llano’s elementary schools, but the family picked the in-person option.

“Obviously, my husband, Kirk and I were--and still are--a little nervous about the kids doing in-person learning but staff members are handing things well from what we can see, although it’s only day three today,” she said. “Hopefully that will continue and we won't have any cases or terrible surprises this year. I’m impressed so far, and I feel a little more comfortable. The girls were so happy when they got home. They love their teachers and are excited to see how this year will turn out.”

Although their parents might have been nervous, for the kids there was never any question about which option they wanted.

“The girls were so excited to go back to school but they were also nervous about how things would work and the fact that they hadn't met their teacher in person yet,” Graham said. “I think they most looked forward to seeing their friends again. Talking on the phone is not the same as hanging out in person.”

The new precautions led to things just feeling different.

“It was odd to see everyone in masks but it's been months now and it no longer has a shock factor,” Graham said. “It's a little sad but everyone was in great spirits. Hopefully the pandemic will be over soon and we can return to normal.”

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