Thomas Bostick Jr., often referred to as Tommy, was born on December 8, 1969 in San Diego, California. He is the son of Brenda and Jim Richardson of Llano and Tommy and Ann Bostick of Midland. Brenda and Jim moved to Llano in 1982. Tommy moved in 1985, making Llano his home as well. Bostick joined the Army Reserve as a senior in high school. After graduating from Llano High School in 1988, he went on active duty.
Bostick married Jennifer Dudley on September 4, 1992 in Annapolis, Maryland, where she was stationed at Ft. Mead, Maryland in Military intelligence. Bostick had just been stationed at Ft. Lewis, Washington. Tommy and Jennifer had two daughters- Jess Ulanski and Ashlie Bostick.
Bostick’s first deployment was Operation Just Cause in Panama in 1989, where the U.S. mission was to remove General Manuel Noriega from power after his indictment in the United States on drug trafficking charges. Bostick’s career also included three tours in Afghanistan and one to Iraq. At the time of his death, he was assigned