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McDonalds Offers Continued Support to First Responders
Area McDonalds restaurant owners met with members of the Hill Country 100 Club to present a $3,100 check donation towards the support of area First Responders on Wednesday, June 12. The check donation came from proceeds from the McDonald’s Good Friday fundraiser, an annual event geared towards supporting area law enforcement and emergency services personnel. From L-R: Robert Dahlstrom, Hampton Conlan, Teresita Arnold, Hudson Conlan, Lynette Conlan, Henry Knabb, Maria Lim, Jay Ward, Craig Haydon, Nick Summitt, Frank Blagg and Kevin Mazzu. Photo by Frank Shubert.

When there is a fire, a tragic auto accident, or any cause for law enforcement to be deployed, the citizens of Burnet, Llano, Lampasas, and Blanco counties know that First Responders from any of these departments will risk their lives to answer that call, and are aware of the difference these emergency services personnel make in their communities. Area McDonald's restaurants recognize the importance of First Responders as well, and have been partnering for years with the local Hill Country ...

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