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TSHL sets legislative priorities for 2019
Mike Sandoval, left, a member of the Texas Silver-Haired Legislature, speaks on the Texas House floor on April 26 as co-author in defense of a resolution to continue state funding to the DKR Texas Alzheimer’s Initiative Supporting Texas Alzheimer’s Research and Care Consortium in the 86th session of the Texas Legislature. Sandoval, who is also Precinct 3 Commissioner for Llano County, was appointed to the group earlier this year.

The 17th Texas Silver-Haired Legislature (TSHL) held its biennial legislative session from April 23-26 at the State Capitol. Mike Sandoval, Precinct 3 Llano County Commissioner, was one of the 65 TSHL legislators who attended the session in Austin. He said the group works from morning into late night during its time in Austin. The TSHL holds these sessions in the years that the Texas Legislature is in recess.

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