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Beebe gets screen time at Hill Country Film Festival
Friends gather for a celebratory photo op at the Hill Country Film Festival. From left, are: Jocelyn Brown, Ven Scott, Terry Schroth, Sarita Sagebiel, Kathy Oles (Tracee’s mother), Tracee Beebe, Adrienne Vaught and Kristina Adams.

A local screenwriter got her screen time last weekend. That usually refers to having some face time on the big screen, as in acting, but in this case, however, writer Tracee Beebe’s screenplay saw some screen time last weekend at the Hill Country Film Festival in Fredericksburg. In 2017, the Corpus Christi Film Commission created a screenwriting competition with certain parameters requiring the play to use certain iconic Corpus Christi locations to promote the town as a great film locat ...

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