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Honorees awarded at annual chamber banquet
Honorees from Tuesday’s annual chamber of commerce awards banquet show off their plaques after the ceremony. Pictured, from left, are: Les Hartman, John W. Schuessler, Gena Schuessler, a representative of the Llano Volunteer Fire Department, Kenneth Poe, Jeriann Powell, Jennifer Blair, Justin Davis, Abby Davis, Lisa Davis, Stanley Miller, Margaret Bomkamp, Sidonie Thornton, Carol Cunningham, Sam Oatman, Worth Green and Sherri Green. Not pictured: Jim Freeman.
Briley Mitchell

For the 94th year, Llano came together on Tuesday night to celebrate the best of the best of the town, and the Community Awards Banquet sponsored by the Llano Chamber of Commerce was one for the ages. “We had more nominees this year than ever before, especially in the Citizen of the Year category,” said Briley Mitchell, chamber executive director.

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