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American Legion swears in officers
American Legion Frank Griggs Post 370 elected officers at its June 15 meeting. Pictured, from left, are: Chaplain Sue Ellen Cutler, National Chaplain Harvey H. Klee, Commander Kenneth Poe, Adjutant John Sawyer Jr., Finance Officer John Cutler and Sergeant-at-Arms Harold Goehmann.

The American Legion Frank Griggs Post 370 installed newly elected officers for the 2017-18 term at its June 15 meeting. Installed were Kenneth Poe, commander; Roy Buntyn, vice commander; John Sawyer Jr., adjutant; John Cutler, finance officer; Harvey H. Klee, judge advocate; Sue Ellen Cutler, chaplain; Vera Honig, historian; Harold Goehmann, sergeant-at-arms; and Warren Groff, service officer.

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