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Honorees awarded at annual chamber banquet
Honorees from Tuesday’s annual chamber of commerce awards banquet show off their plaques after the ceremony. Pictured, from left, are: Toby Fletcher, Jil Dillard, Karla Van Item, Lori Gray, Mary Ellen Halamicek, Roland Rode, Jerry Allred, Sidone Thornton, Alberta Allred, Les Hartman, Jason Hackworth and Jared Latta.
Briley Mitchell

The “best of the best” of Llano was honored Tuesday night during the 93rd annual community awards banquet hosted by the Llano Chamber of Commerce. Toby Fletcher was named the 2016 citizen of the year, while Roland Rode was the Llano Hall of Fame recipient. Fletcher, an assistant principal at Llano High School, was awarded for his tireless work for the children of Llano.

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