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2016’s Sweetest: Looking back on the sports year
Jerry McSherry, with one of his former players, Amy Withrow. She’s now a Llano assistant. McSherry, in his first year as the Jacket girls’ head coach, won the 500th game of his 25-year career, November 18.
Art Dlugach

I really like to look back on the highlights in sports when December 31 approaches. I get to be the tour guide. Please join me. Near Waveland Avenue The Cubs were the Team of the Year, writing the Story of the Year. World Series Champions for the first time since 1908. Chicago edged the Indians, 8-7, in 10 innings in Game 7, to complete a comeback of not just 108 years, but trailing 3-1 in games. Cleveland hasn’t won the Series since 1948.

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