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The 12 Man: Legendary Cowboys quarterback speaks at HSB
Roger Staubach (R) is shown with a couple of other successful sports people. Rudy Davalos (C), member of numerous Halls of Fame, is president of the Horseshoe Bay Sports Club, and Spike Dykes was the winningest head football coach at Texas Tech in the 20th century.
Art Dlugach

HORSESHOE BAY — He wasn’t a quarterback till his senior year at Purcell High School in Cincinnati. What if...? Well, you know where this is leading. A coach at Purcell went up to defensive back/wide receiver Roger Staubach and said, “We want you to compete for the quarterback job. The other guys listen to you, and I saw you had a strong arm in baseball.” The Horseshoe Bay Sports Club, with a packed crowd — with which Staubach is familiar — heard Cowboys’ stories and more, Septembe ...

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