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LHS cheerleaders win at camp
The Llano junior varsity and varsity cheerleaders took first place in extreme dance, game day cheer and best overall at the Angelo State University cheer camp in July. Pictured front row, from left, are: Chantalle Barret, Brianna Joy, Mackenzie Johnson, Alexus Cotton, Emily Ozanne, Alyssa Stennett and Maya Cherry. Pictured back row, from left, are: Morgan Thibodeaux, Amber Dyess, Lexi Lucas, Brooke Clough, Kennedy Wootan, Meagan Riley, Katie Clausen and Alyssa Pruitt. Not pictured are cheer coaches Neda Bauman and Beth McDaniel.

The Llano junior varsity and varsity cheerleaders took first place in extreme dance, game day cheer and best overall at the Angelo State University cheer camp in July. Pictured front row, from left, are: Chantalle Barret, Brianna Joy, Mackenzie Johnson, Alexus Cotton, Emily Ozanne, Alyssa Stennett and Maya Cherry. Pictured back row, from left, are: Morgan Thibodeaux, Amber Dyess, Lexi Lucas, Brooke Clough, Kennedy Wootan, Meagan Riley, Katie Clausen and Alyssa Pruitt.

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