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Kinder Morgan Donates to CRC, American Legion on Oct. 28
Kinder Morgan presented a $60,000 donation to the Blanco American Legion on Oct. 28. Pictured, from left, are: County Judge Brett Bray, Jimmy Zamora, Legion Commander Carl Struck, Allen Fore of Kinder Morgan, Gary McElligott, Frank Dubuisson and County Commissioner Tommy Weir. Photo by Suzie Hunter.
Kinder Morgan presented a $50,000 donation to the Blanco County Community Resource Center on Oct. 28. The donation will be put to use in continuing operations at the CRC, and future projects on the property. Pictured from left are County Judge Brett Bray, Allen Fore of Kinder Morgan, Donna Klaeger, CRCTX Executive Director, and Mark Mayfield, President/CEO of the Texas Housing Foundation. Kinder Morgan presented a $60,000 donation to the Blanco American Legion on Oct.
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