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Johnson City Bank Congratulates Haynes for 50 Years of Dedicated Service
Johnson City Bank recognized Brenda Haynes for her 50 years of dedicated service to Johnson City Bank with a celebration in the bank lobby. Pictured with Brenda are fellow employees of Johnson City Bank. Left to right, back row of gentlemen: Ken Finley, Cameron Romer, Kevin Stueler, then Shannon Sultemeier, John Denby. Second row, standing: Joann Trevino, Patti Tobolka, Riley Johns, Sara Sabela-Holmes. Front row, sitting: Tina Scott, Brenda Haynes, Julie Shanks, Maria Cuellar. Not Pictured: Kim Scott, April Martin, Jessica Scott, Vanessa Hernandez, Tayna Gutierrez, Amanda Brand, Annette Starks, Brittney Kauffman, Larry Scott. Courtesy photo.

On Friday, Johnson City Bank honored long-time employee Brenda Haynes for 50 years of service to the bank. According to Executive Vice President Shannon Sultemeier, “Friday was Brenda’s Day. The celebration went really well and we had a big lunch for her.” The celebration was a surprise for Brenda, which was no easy task to achieve.

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