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Local Residents Complete Unique Adventure
Sheryl Wilson and Ken Chute received their BaccaLOOPerate degree from America’s Great Loop Cruisers’ Association. The degree is given in recognition of completing a route known as America’s Great Loop. Boaters take on a 6,000-mile journey that circumnavigates the eastern part of the U.S. and Canada, cruising up the Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway, through the New York State Canals, into the Great Lakes, down the inland river system, across the Gulf of Mexico, and around the southern tip of Florida.
Courtesy photos.

Ken Chute & Sheryl Wilson of Johnson City received their BaccaLOOPerate degree from America’s Great Loop Cruisers’ Association (AGLCA). The degree is given in recognition of completing one of the world’s most unique adventures, America’s Great Loop. Boaters doing the Great Loop are on a 6,000-mile journey that circumnavigates the eastern part of the U.S.

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