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Ronnie spills the secrets
A lot of people had a lot of questions for Ronnie Weiershausen about what he learned in 44 years of barbecuing in Johnson City. The big topic was his brisket and how he cooked it, but he covered everything else, too, from sausage (his favorite) to ribs to pork steaks. Downside for the Lunch and Learn crowd at the First United Methodist Church was the amount of work his quality required!
Photo by Sheila Barnette.

After 44 years feeding Hill Country haute cuisine — barbecue —  to generations of customers, Ronnie Weiershausen finally (mostly) retired last year.  Friday, he spilled his secrets to the Lunch and Learn crowd at the First United Methodist Church. In the beginning, he recalled, he was just trying to take over a convenience store on Highway 281.

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