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4-H Shoots for State Medals
FRONT: Antonio Perez, Lilah Guest, Tyler Thompson, Payton Verburgt, and Amelia Perez. SECOND ROW: Lee Gravell (Coach), Blaze Welch, Hannah Roy, Rylee Welch, Dusti Welch, Chris Welch (Coach.) BACK ROW: Gordon Dowdy (Instructor), Cody Sprouse, Dakota Metcalf, David Gravell and Keen Linson.

Blanco County 4-H Shooting Education shooters who participated in the Texas State BB Gun Championship that was held in Fredericksburg, TX on March 10, 2018. Three Blanco County teams proved their ability at this match. They include: Team #1: Keen Linson, Cody Sprouse, David Gravell, Dusti Welch, Dakota Metcalf, Blaze Welch and Destinee Romero; Team #2: Rylee Welch, Colton Moore, Brylinn Scott, Reid Weirich, Hannah Roy, Amelia Perez, and Antonio Perez; and Team #3: Tyler Thompson, Sara Morri ...

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